Attention Moraea lovers

Robert Werra
Wed, 20 May 2015 15:19:12 PDT
Moraea lovers rejoice. Despite the drought, My few raised beds of moraeas in No. Calif. put on their best show in ten years. The sparse rains must have hit at the right time. I gave the bulk of my 25 year collection to Michael Mace in San Jose caretake for the future. The remainder have been a delight and there will be many seeds for moraea lovers. They began in Feb. with M.ciliata(white and various blues), M. macronyx(yellow and yellow-white), M.aristata, bellendini, calcicola, fergusonii, fugax, flicaulis, gawleri, gigandra, loubseri, luridaa, papillionacea, polyanthos, serpentina, stricta, tortillis, tricuspidata, tripetela, tulbaghensis, vegeta, villosa in assorted colors,and ending now with the wonderful  M. vespertina. It opens when yuo are at supper or vespers with large white slightly fragrant blossoms which fade by dark. Between my brush but mainly bees and bugs many are producing seed for BX and you. If you have special interest let me know.

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