Floral Visitors

Travis O enoster@hotmail.com
Sun, 24 May 2015 07:31:43 PDT
Here is a link to my latest blog posting. The photos were taken over the last two weeks from a variety of locales including the land surrounding our house, roadside wildflower patches, local park trails, and the Wildlife Safari in Winston, OR. Dichelostemma congestum is coming into bloom everywhere now (as well as various Triteleias, not photographed in this psot), Iris chrysophylla tapering off. Recent rain has given everything a boost, I expect a good season for flowers and pollinators, though I also expect another hot dry year with the threat of fire always on our minds.
The topic of this post is floral visitors, insect visitors to flowers though not necessarily the main pollinators of the plants. Anthecology is the study of the relationships between plants and pollinators, highly interesting for me in the case of both bulbs and native plants. Honeybees further increase the interest in the "grande experiment" (being nonnative bees), and it is interesting to see how they adapt to the constantly changing landscape of the garden and the climate (along with the solitary native bees). Have a look, and have a great week!
if the link doesn't wrap, try this:

-Travis OwenRogue River, OR

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