
J. Agoston agoston.janos123@gmail.com
Wed, 22 Apr 2009 22:47:10 PDT
Dear Ian,

You are right, as a will be nursery I'm fighting go grow healthy material,
which is harder as ever before, because of the mass propagation by
vegetative means is only affordable when done by hand and not by tissue
culture, and of course seed is slow.

But I have more commercial varieties in my collection than species, of
course I have noticed that species are more resistant/tolerant to virus, but
we will see after the tests.

I saw your website formerly and thaugth: boy, it is hard to keep that
collection free from viruses. All bulbs, can take 5-8 years from germination
to bloom...

We don't have a botanical garden here what you have. Most botanical gardens
are specialized in shrubs or perennials and none in bulbs, but I know BGs
having nice collection of e.g.: Paeonia officinalis subsp. banatica, Crocus

And I'll look up the discussion you have mentioned.

Z5a, Hungary

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