Jane wrote: >> O. obtusa in a warm pink hue. It IS an invasive one, swarming around in the plunge sand among the pots I can definitely picture O. obtusa being invasive in plunge media. In pots, some of them multiple explosively for me. But in the ground I've found that it not only doesn't spread, but tends to fade away over time in my part of California. Two things seem to limit its growth: --Unlike O. pes-caprae, it doesn't grow taller when there's competition. So the annual grass that dominates in California seems to choke it out. --California's rodents love, love, love to eat Oxalis obtusa. I would have lost all of mine if in pots if I didn't embed chicken wire in the top of the pot. Have other folks found that O. obtusa is invasive in the garden? Thanks, Mike San Jose, CA (min temp 20F)