Wiki additions

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 28 Apr 2009 07:21:17 PDT

I never announced to the group about a couple of additions made during all 
the changes to the wiki during the conversion. For those of you who are not 
members of the Oxalis group Ron Vanderhoff posted to that group some 
composite scans of Oxalis showing a lot of flowers and leaves for 
comparison. He said I could add them to the wiki. Those people who consider 
Oxalis a weed to avoid may not be aware of all the different leaf forms. He 
also added names, but unfortunately with the wiki size restrictions they 
aren't as easy to read as they were in his original. But it's still very 
helpful to give you an idea of the variations and be in awe of Ron's 

When we were doing the Topic of the Week in 2004 we spent a number of weeks 
asking people to nominate their favorite bulbs by color. Afterwards I 
compiled all the choices into html pages and linked the flowers to wiki 
pictures illustrating them. During the conversion Nhu converted these pages 
to wiki pages and some of the rest of us helped him identify the 
photographers for the pictures. This was a huge job, but it does make it 
easier to see the pictures because of the thumbnails which we didn't have 
before. A couple of these pages are very long so some of you with dial up 
connections need to let me know if we need to split them up. Also we are 
missing images of some of the recommendations. So if some of you have 
pictures we are missing, you might consider becoming a wiki contributor so 
you can add them. ;-)…

Mary Sue

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