Zephyranthes Hybrids One

This page contains information about Zephyranthes hybrids with names that start with A-C.

Zephyranthes 'Ajax' is a hybrid of Z. candida × Z. citrina with pale yellow flowers. Photos taken August 2005 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Ajax' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Ajax' profile, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' is a hybrid of Z. 'Ruth Page' × Z. pulchella. Its warm apricot colored flowers appear abundantly in mid to late summer & it seeds true. Photos taken July 2004 by Jay Yourch & Alani Davis.

Zephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' profile, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' closeup, Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' conjoined flower, Alani Davis

Zephyranthes 'Aquarius' is a hybrid of Z. candida × Z. 'Ajax' with cream colored flowers. Photos taken August 2004 by Jay Yourch & Alani Davis.

Zephyranthes 'Aquarius' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Aquarius' profile, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Aquarius' closeup, Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Aquarius' closeup, Alani Davis

Zephyranthes 'Bali Beauty' is a hybrid made by Fadjar Marta of Indonesia. It has yellow flowers with pink veining. Photos taken August 2007 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Bali Beauty' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Bali Beauty' profile, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow' is a hybrid of Z. candida × Z. citrina with pale yellow flowers. It looks much like Z. 'Ajax', but its petals are broader. Photos taken August 2007 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow' profile, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Batik' is a hybrid made by Fadjar Marta of Indonesia. It has pinkish flowers with yellow centers and a faint yellow stripe along the middle of each petal. Photos taken August 2007 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Batik, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Big Dude' is a large flowered selection of Z. 'Labuffarosea' made by Plant Delights Nursery. The petals are mostly white with a hint of pink at the tips. Photo taken July 2004 by Jay Yourch & 2005-2006 by Alani Davis.

Zephyranthes 'Big Dude', Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Big Dude', Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Big Dude', Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Capricorn' is an unusual and beautiful orange-red flowered hybrid made by T.M Howard. Photos taken August 2004 by Jay Yourch & July 2006 by Alani Davis.

Zephyranthes 'Capricorn' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Capricorn' closeup, Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Capricorn' profile, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Confection' has very large, white, drooping petals with pink tips. It's a selection of Z. 'Labuffarosea' made by Yucca Do Nursery. Photo taken July 2006 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Confection', Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' is a large, white flowered, naturally occurring hybrid of unknown ancestry found in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico and introduced by Yucca Do Nursery. Photos taken August 2004 by Jay Yourch & July 2006 by Alani Davis.

Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' profile, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' closeup, Alani DavisZephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' young plant, Alani DavisGroup of blooming Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon', Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' × Z. 'Big Dude' is a hybrid that flowered for the first time in 2006. This volunteer and others just like it were found growing among self-sown seedlings of 'Cookie Cutter Moon', near a large patch of 'Big Dude'. Almost all flower characteristics are intermediate between the seed and pollen parents. Photos taken July 2007 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' × Z. 'Big Dude', Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' × Z. 'Big Dude', Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes 'Copper Mine' is a hybrid made by Fadjar Marta of Indonesia. The flowers are orange with a yellow throat. Photos taken September 2006 by Jay Yourch.

Zephyranthes 'Copper Mine' closeup, Jay YourchZephyranthes 'Copper Mine' profile, Jay Yourch

Zephyranthes hybrids D-L - Zephyranthes hybrids M-T - Zepyhranthes hybrids Index - Zephyranthes

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