Oxalis purpurea

Oxalis purpurea is a long blooming winter growing oxalis that is widespread on flats and slopes from Namaqualand to Caledon in the Overberg. It is stemless with a few leaves divided into 3 rounded leaflets at ground level. Leaves are hairless above, but often hairy and purple below and flowers may be purple, violet, rose, salmon or white with a yellow tube. This species naturalizes in some areas which may make it seem like a delightful plant to some and a weed to others. The first two photos by Christiaan van Schalkwyk of cream and pink flowered forms. The second and third were taken by Mary Sue Ittner near Tulbagh and at Table Mountain National Park.

Oxalis purpurea, cream, Christiaan van SchalkwykOxalis purpurea, pink, Christiaan van SchalkwykOxalis purpurea, Tulbagh, Mary Sue IttnerOxalis purpurea, Table Mountain, Mary Sue Ittner

Oxalis purpurea white forms. The first photo was taken by Bill Dijk. The second one was taken by Mary Sue Ittner who wrote: "The flowers on this white flowered form were closing in the late afternoon. This one will bloom for many months if planted where it gets a lot of sun." Photos 3 and 4 were taken by Ron Vanderhoff and include a double flowered form. The last photo shown from Mary Sue Ittner is of the bulbs of her white form on a 1 cm grid.

Oxalis purpurea, Bill DijkOxalis purpurea, white form, Mary Sue IttnerOxalis purpurea, white form, Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea, double white form, Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea, white form bulbs, Mary Sue Ittner

Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet' has purple leaves and bright pink flower and is easily grown in a pot. Photos 1-2 by Bob Rutemoeller. Photo 3 taken by Mary Sue Ittner shows the bulbs on a 1 cm grid. The bulbs are much smaller than some other forms. Photo 4 from Bill Dijk is of another purple leaved variety known in New Zealand as 'Nigrescens'.

Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet', Bob RutemoellerOxalis purpurea 'Garnet', Bob RutemoellerOxalis purpurea 'Garnet', 1 cm grid, Mary Sue IttnerOxalis purpurea 'Nigrescens', Bill Dijk

There are many forms available for cultivation. Some of the pink/purple forms are pictured below. Photos 1-4 from Ron Vanderhoff. Photo 1 is of 'Gran Duchess Pink', photos 2-3 'Cherry' and photo 4 of 'Lavender and White'. Photos 5-6 from Mary Sue Ittner. Photo 5 is another photo of 'Lavender and White'. Photo 6 is of a form called 'Skar'.

Oxalis purpurea 'Grand Duchess Pink', Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea 'Cherry', Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea 'Cherry', Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea 'Lavender and White', Ron VanderhoffOxalis purpurea 'Lavender and White', Mary Sue IttnerOxalis purpurea 'Skar', Mary Sue Ittner

Photo 1 from Bill Dijk shows a yellow form and photo 2 from Mary Sue Ittner a salmon colored form.

Oxalis purpurea, yellow, Bill DijkOxalis purpurea salmon, Mary Sue Ittner

Oxalis index - Miscellaneous Oxalis - Oxalis flava - Oxalis hirta - Oxalis obtusa - Oxalis pes-caprae - South African oxalis A-B - South African oxalis C -South African oxalis D-E - South African oxalis F-G - South African oxalis H-K - South African oxalis L-M - South African oxalis N-O - South African oxalis P - South African oxalis R-S - South African oxalis T-Z - South American oxalis

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