Gladiolus watsonius

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: red, orange
Flower Season: early spring

Gladiolus watsonius Thunb. has had multiple names over the years. It has been included in Watsonia, Homoglossum and Antholyza before settling in Gladiolus. It is found on clay and granite slopes in renosterveld in the northwest and southwest Cape. It blooms in late winter, early spring with an erect spike of red to orange flowers. Height range: 30-70 cm. The first photo below was taken by Bob Werra and the second by Susan Hayek in the greenhouse of Diana Chapman. Photos three to five by Mary Sue Ittner of plants at Telos and plants blooming in her garden in February 2007. The sixth photo was taken by Alan Horstmann.

Gladiolus watsonius, Bob WerraGladiolus watsonius, Susan HayekGladiolus watsonius, Telos, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus watsonius, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus watsonius, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus watsonius, Alan Horstmann

The photo below shows some dormant corms. The tunics can sometimes have a papery outer layer, as shown by the larger corm on top. But the two smaller corms at center show the "teeth" at the bottom of the tunic that are typical for this species. Photo by Michael Mace.

Gladiolus watsonius corms, Michael Mace

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