Gladiolus trichonemifolius

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: early spring
Life form: corm
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus trichonemifolius Ker Gawl. is found on wet sandy flats in the winter rainfall areas. Height range: 10-25 cm. It flowers in late winter to early spring and is cream to yellow with brown lines on the lower tepals and a darker yellow center.

Photos below show the typical form. The first photo by Alan Horstmann, the second by Mary Sue Ittner, and the last two by Michael Mace.

Gladiolus trichonemifolius, Alan HorstmannGladiolus trichonemifolius, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus trichonemifolius, Michael MaceGladiolus trichonemifolius, Michael Mace

This species now includes a form formerly known as Gladiolus citrinus Klatt, which has a cupped perianth and a dark purple blotch in the center. It's very different from the typical form. The first three photos from Rod Saunders and Bob Rutemoeller show the former Gladiolus citrinus.

Gladiolus trichonemifolius, Rod SaundersGladiolus trichonemifolius, Bob RutemoellerGladiolus trichonemifolius, Bob Rutemoeller

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