Gladiolus rudis

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: mid spring
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus rudis Licht. ex Roem. & Schult. grows on sandstone slopes in fynbos in the southwestern Cape and blooms in spring. It has 2 to 5 cream to pale pink flowers on a spike. The lower tepals have spear-shaped markings and the perianth tube is funnel shaped. Height range: 20-50 cm. The first three photos taken by Cameron McMaster near Caledon and Fairfield in the Overberg and the last taken by Alan Horstmann.

Gladiolus rudis, Caledon, Cameron McMasterGladiolus rudis, Fairfield, Cameron McMasterGladiolus rudis, Fairfield, Cameron McMasterGladiolus rudis, Alan Horstmann

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