Quick Characteristics:
Flower Colors: | pink, blue |
Climate: | winter rain climate |
Gladiolus gracilis Jacq. is very similar to Gladiolus caeruleus, but is a bit smaller, has fewer flowers (2 to 5 in a spike), is usually blue to grey, but occasionally pink or yellowish and has dark streaks (instead of spots) on the lower tepals. The lowermost tepal is usually longer in this species instead of mostly the same length as the others in G. caeruleus. It is found mostly on clay slopes (or granite) and blooms in winter. The first two photos were taken by Alan Horstmann. The third was taken by Mary Sue Ittner March 2004 of flowers grown from Silverhill Seed and the fourth in 2007 of more seed grown plants, but this time one with pink flowers. The last photo was taken by Bob Werra
The photos below were taken by Nhu Nguyen of a plant from Telos Rare Bulbs.
All of the pictures below were taken by Cameron McMaster near Napier in the Overberg and illustrate the different forms possible.
The photos taken by M. Gastil-Buhl show seeds from Silverhill Seed dry on a 1 mm grid, then wet.