Schizostylis/Hesperantha hybrids?

Diane Whitehead
Sun, 01 Sep 2019 22:27:31 PDT
Schizostylis grows nicely for me as long as I water it in the summer.  It is rhizomatous but doesn’t rampage as it does in Australia and California.  It flowers from midsummer till hard frost and deer don’t eat it. I have a number of forms of it - mostly various permutations of pinks.

Then it was reclassified as a Hesperantha, which is very variable.  Some of the species can be day or night-blooming, scented or not, of different colours, with different pollinators.

What a chance to diversify my Schizostylis!  I ordered seed of all the Hesperantha species Silverhill offered, but have had no success growing them on after they germinated.

Before I order more seed, I thought I should check to see if anyone has succeeded in hybridizing them, or noticed any accidental hybrids.

Diane Whitehead        Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
cool mediterranean climate  warm dry summers, mild wet winters  70 cm rain,   sandy soil
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