Behria tenuiflora flowering...finally

Mark Mazer
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 17:06:59 PDT
"  I wonder if there are any other friends-of-the-box-turtle on this
list."  Yup.  We almost always stop and move them off of the road when we
see them.  There are several old timers near the house on the farm that
have been seen repeatedly over the years. It's one reason we keep the
lawnmower set at 3.5 inches. Rehoming  is fraught with problems and is
quite stressful on them.  Best to return the rescues back to the location
where they were found. They are very territorial.

Mark Mazer
Belvidere, NC 27919

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 6:18 PM Jim McKenney via pbs <> wrote:

>  Congratulations, Nick. That's what I like about bulbs: they are always
> teaching us something - or at any rate making us wonder why things happen
> the way they do.On to another topic: Judy mentioned box turtle eggs in a
> post today. Did you get eggs this year? I wonder if there are any other
> friends-of-the-box-turtle on this list. I have plans to build a box turtle
> pen in the far back of the garden (adjacent to the local major park which
> has or used to have box turtles). The pen will be designed so that
> potential predators (mainly raccoons, which we have in abundance) will not
> be able to get to the box turtles but any hatchlings will be able to get
> through openings in the screening and wander off into the woods. And where
> will I get the adult box turtles? I'm going to contact local wildlife
> rescue groups  in the hope that they occasionally get injured box turtles,
> turtles not deemed likely to survive back in the wild. I can provide a
> great home for them, and maybe help replenish the local population.
> Jim MdKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7. where box
> turtles used to be very common - sadly, that's no longer true.
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