Paul Christian rare plant website question

David Pilling
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 09:58:33 PDT

On 16/09/2019 16:21, Hansen Nursery wrote:
> website.  Dana, trying going in the back door.  I went to the Dave's Garden
> website and clicked on 'visit the website'.  I've had this problem with
> other sites and accidentally discovered that sometimes, not always, if I

Which may simply amount to a different address for the website.

Here in the UK there is no problem with:

In general when people put blocks in the way, there are things called

"web proxy server"

which will let me (for example) view web sites as if I am in the USA (or 
other countries).

You can also view Google's cache or the Internet Archive version.

There can be other more local blocks, like virus software, and other 
software attempting to keep you safe.

David Pilling
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