Bulb Storage Advice

Steve Evans via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 07 Oct 2018 16:28:30 PDT
If it was just a few I would suggest a cool period in the crisper of your fridge.  65° is warm and most likely the reason they are becoming dessicated.

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  On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 18:24, Arnold Trachtenberg<arnold140@verizon.net> wrote:   
Hi Robert:

I have a book which may supply some info for you.

" The Physiology of Flower  Bulbs" by August de Hertogh and Marcel Le Nard.

Give some time to dig through it and I will scan the relevant pages and send off to you.

I know they address the issue of storing all kinds of bulbs.

New Jersey 



Arnold Trachtenberg



-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Hoel <bob.hoel@comcast.net>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
Sent: Sun, Oct 7, 2018 6:34 pm
Subject: [pbs] Bulb Storage Advice

I live in the Chicago-area and have a greenhouse attached to our home that is heated in the winter (the greenhouse, that is; why bother to heat the house).  I raise a lot of hybridized Hypeastrum, bringing them into bloom during the drab winter months.  During the summer they get planted out in the garden to regain their energies for another winter’s blooming.  Late in the Fall, before the first frost, I dig the bulbs and trim the tops back, placing the bulbs on vented racks under the greenhouse benches to rest.  Here is my question.  I have noticed that when I dig the bulbs, they are nice and fat but later in the winter, they show some shrinkage.  The humidity level in the greenhouse is fairly high and I keep the temperature around 65ºF.  I assume that the bulb shrinkage is due to evaporation.  Does this shrinkage diminish the blooms?  If so, what methods do other members of the Society use to reduce the moisture loss? I would think this would apply to other bulbs that are stored bare root during dormancy.Thanks in advance for your experiences.Bob Hoel630-240-0219 (cell)Bicycle safely.  4,000 pounds always wins.  🚴‍♀️_______________________________________________pbs mailing listpbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.nethttp://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…
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