Bulb Storage

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Mon, 08 Oct 2018 07:06:41 PDT
Question - are your hippeastrum stored "naked" under the greenhouse 
benches or are they wrapped in newspaper or placed in a brown paper bag? 
When I used to unpot mine for winter storage I would wrap them in 
newspaper. Now I do it as follows:

My hippeastrum are grown in pots. They go outdoors for the summer. At 
about this time of year (early October) I bring the pots indoors, put 
them in the basement, and ignore them. Do not cut the leaves but allow 
them to wither. There are a couple that want to be evergreen - they go 
into the greenhouse which is heated to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. When 
growth begins in early spring they are brought upstairs to the 
greenhouse, repotted, and given a good drink of water. Flowering then 
happens in late spring.

Ismene/Hymenocallis are unpotted and stored in the basement. They also 
have permanent roots but do not seem to suffer any dehydration.

Eucomis are left in their pots and stored in the basement.

Amorphophallis are dog from the garden and stored unpotted - you guessed 
it - in the basement.

Sauromatum - which are more frost sensitive that amorphophallis - are 
dug and stored in the basement although overlooked Sauromatum did 
survive last winter.

Canna are allowed to be knocked back by frost, cut back, evicted from 
the half barrel sized pots,. Loose dirt shaken off but not washed. 
Packed in peat moss in supermarket banana boxes and wedged into the 
garage. (It would be so much easier if we did not keep cars in there.)

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