Bulb referenced in 'Bulbs for Warm Climates'

Michael Kent kenttoto@gmail.com
Tue, 30 Oct 2018 08:04:30 PDT
I think I may have tracked this down. With a little help from Steve M
(private email), I learned that × Coobranthus became × Zephybranthus.

Juggling information obtained by Googling that, and the brief description
given by Dr. Howard, I believe this is (now) named Zephyranthes 'Laredo
Yellow.' It's considered to be one of the 'La Bufa Rosa' Group as it was
found in near vicinity of the original group site, at around the same time.
Since it was first observed in 'a garden in Laredo' it was named 'Laredo

I have been unable to find a verified photo of Z. 'Laredo Yellow' (or any
info on a retailer). However, both Dr. Howard, and Yucca Do Nursery
(discovered 'La Bufa Rosa' Group) reference first observation as a yellow
rain lily growing in a garden in Laredo, so I think this is it.


Z6a Finger Lakes
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