When to plan oxalis bulbs

Jan Jeddeloh janjeddeloh@gmail.com
Sun, 05 Jun 2016 17:54:28 PDT
Hi, all,
I received a bunch of oxalis from one of the recent bulb exchanges and have some questions about planting and growing them.  Except for That Weed I’ve never grown oxalis before.  

The following oxalis are listed in the wiki as fall growing: sp. MV 4674, hirta, flava and bowiei.  Can I just keep them inside in their plastic bags for the next couple of months before I plant them since they need a summer dry period? We’re working on a new greenhouse and other new yard projects so I’d prefer to wait if I can. 

I also received Oxalis L 96/42.  The wiki link said 96/42 is summer growing (assume winter dormant?) from Mexico.  I suppose I should get cracking and plant that one. 

Any advice on growing my new treasures is appreciated.

Jan Jeddeloh.  Portland Oregon where it’s pushing 100F, 35C.
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