(My apologies to those who are interested only in species; please move along to the next post.) I've posted photos of the 2016 results from my Moraea hybridization experiments. My favorite new hybrids this year are: --An exuberantly freckled flower from a cross between Moraea 'Zoe' and M. atropunctata, --A flower with a double-ring bullseye pattern in the center (Moraea villosa X bellendenii), and --A cross between Moraea gigandra and M. neopavonia, which produced a very large orange-purple flower with a hypnotic light blue eye. You can see photos of these and a few other highlights here: http://bit.ly/1ZGQZJm/ I also updated my notes on which Moraea species can cross, here: http://bit.ly/1WJGmY9/ I am a total amateur at this plant breeding stuff, and would welcome any advice or suggestions. Thanks, Mike