New Moraea hybrids, 2016
Sat, 11 Jun 2016 19:37:36 PDT
Hi Mike, 
Nice work, your hybrids are quite pretty and your data should be useful to those who deal with Moraea classification (successful crosses tend to indicate close relationships between species).  Makes sense that your raised beds are working out better than pots, I imagine the strong sun there might make pots get quite hot, whereas the plants in the ground likely experience cooler temps in their root zone.  
In NY where three Crinum bulbispermum are blooming along with several kniphofias.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Mace <>
To: pbs <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 11, 2016 8:14 pm
Subject: [pbs] New Moraea hybrids, 2016

(My apologies to those who are interested only in species; please move along
to the next post.)


I've posted photos of the 2016 results from my Moraea hybridization
experiments. My favorite new hybrids this year are:


--An exuberantly freckled flower from a cross between Moraea 'Zoe' and M.

--A flower with a double-ring bullseye pattern in the center (Moraea villosa
X bellendenii), and

--A cross between Moraea gigandra and M. neopavonia, which produced a very
large orange-purple flower with a hypnotic light blue eye.


You can see photos of these and a few other highlights here:


I also updated my notes on which Moraea species can cross, here:


I am a total amateur at this plant breeding stuff, and would welcome any
advice or suggestions.






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