Allen McMurtrie's reticulate iris hybrids
Fri, 24 Jun 2016 03:55:29 PDT
As ever one is totally authoritarian or not. A number of members include  
their name and also the web address of their nurseries, which I have always  
found of interest, I should never have known of their existance otherwise.
I have not been made aware of the results of breeding interesting hybrids  
from the general gardening media, though I did get a glimpse in the RHS  
magazine. Surely it is the interests of plant lovers to be advised of such  
activities, small breeders have no clout commercially to help promote their  
results, and a bit of latitude would not be amiss ~ afterall one can always 
zapp  the email.
Paul Oliver-Smith
Kent, UK
In a message dated 22/06/2016 15:57:11 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

Sorry if  I stretched the rules there, but I seem to remember lots of  
brief announcements of a commercial nature on PBS. And is it really  an 
advertisement? You can't buy from the information given there: you'll have  to do 
some homework to figure out how to buy and from whom.I like to know  about 
things like this, and I'll bet others do, too. There will probably be  keen 
competition for these bulbs when the time comes, and those with advanced  
knowledge are better poised to get what they want.I did it in the spirit of a  
service to the membership. 
Jim McKenney 

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