FREE Crinum bulbispermum seeds
Thu, 30 Jun 2016 14:42:08 PDT
Dear Friends,

	Dell was perfectly happy for me to send seed to members of PBS BX.  To repeat:

	I can send 10 seeds of pink flowered (typical) Crinum bulbispermum ‘Jumbo’ for the cost of a small flat rate priority mailing box in the US.

	I have a much more limted suppply of white flowered C. bulbispermum I can include if you ask. 

	For full mailing instructions send me a private email to		 <>No later than July 10. That gives you 10 days to respond.

	This Crinum has been hardy outdoors in Kansas City for years with NO protection. I just think more people should have the opportunity to grow this beauty.

			Best		Jim W. 

Does anyone need more than 10 seeds?

	I have mostly typical pink form of Crinum bulbispermum, but a few (less than a pound)  from a pure white C. bulbispermum also available. Same deal.

	Anyone interested must contact me off list at			 <>Offer only available in the US (Sorry).

	First acceptance goes to Dell. If Dell wants them for PBS I can send them to Dell and they’ll go into the BX offering. 

	Any other ideas?			Best			Jim W. 

Dr. James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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