Thank you to all who responded to my oxalis query. Here’s what I decided to do. All the summer dormant oxalis went into organza party favor bags with pot labels. If you’ve never used them these bags (available Michael’s and the like) are real handy for protecting hybridizing attempts and catching seed. The come in a variety of sizes. I’ll pot them up when they start sprouting. The summer growing and blooming oxalis I’ve potted. Thanks again for your help. Jan Jeddeloh > On Jun 6, 2016, at 7:38 AM, wrote: > > I donated those bulbs. I keep them in paper bags and then start potting > them up as I see them sprouting. This usually is from some time in August > into September or with Oxalis obtusa later. They don't all sprout at the > same time and they do just fine planted after they are sprouted. I have > not lost any keeping them this way, but they are inside and our summer > temperatures are mild. Sometimes you can even have a better idea which way > to plant them after they have sprouted. On some of them you have to plant > sideways since you can't tell which end is up. If they were in a pot I > wouldn't know when to start watering them. The one from Mexico has been > blooming for me for awhile too. I let it go dormant in winter and was just > late in getting the bulbs to the BX. I have some more ready to send soon > that are fall to winter blooming so if some of you have already planted > them you can try them a different way. As with many of the things we grow > there can be more than one way for success. I save my paper bags that are > marked with the species name and have been reusing them. > > Mary Sue > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list