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Topics - Martin Bohnet

General Off-Topic / Southern Germany flood
June 01, 2024, 07:01:34 AM
A little follow-up to the wet flower pics: we had 94l/m² in the last 36 hours. this water level is already at least 50 cm above my street level and 4m above normal, so it would reach my front door ("Hochpaterre"), but for now the dike is holding. Rain slowed down but likely won't stop until another 6 hours...

Atheists don't pray, Engineers calculate and watch the levels upstream. Bonus points if you know the flooding plans: the other side of the river will drown first if there are no failures of dikes and canal backflow flaps... Still, I'm feeling uneasy.
Most people know Winter is a pain for me - all the worrying what suffering may lurk around the next swing of the weather... So I got a VERY good weather site, analyzing several models and the control runs, pointing out what can be, could be, and usually being not bad in picking up the correct trends. Only trouble is, the site owner is a flaming fan of winter - can't be too cold for him, the "clean crisp -20°C air" type, and gets whiny about any vegetation day. A good indicator is that he's comparing everything to the averages from CLINO period 1961-1990, so everything seems too hot these days while I'm still suffering. But his analysis of what's to come is the best on the market.

So all I need is an AI, capable of German language, to rewrite his hopes to fears and his fear to hopes - do you know any?
Current Photographs / December 2023 photos
December 03, 2023, 04:42:01 AM
Ah, December in Germany, the time when you - either silently or openly - curse the "friends of the winter weather" someone at the better weather sites seems to know and care for. Luckily, last night did not turn out as cold as predicted (-8°C), but -5° is bad enough and I don't think Kniphofia northiae
Height: 120-170 cm (3.9-5.6 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  rhizome
enjoyed that too much.

In the cold house the rare natural light shone on Strumaria prolifera
, and as much as I like the "The Amaryllidaceae of Southern Africa"-book, it is wrong here. I've started with a single bulb in 2020 and never saw seeds. They DO spread vegetatively.
Current Photographs / November 2023 photos
November 01, 2023, 11:44:18 AM
November  is a gamble in my climate - there are things still in flower like this Hedychium of which I'm not sure if its a pure deceptum or a hybrid, but the tropical look becomes more and more surreal with all the trees dropping leaves. Other things may or may not open up depending on if there's a warm and sunny day or not - luckily, this 1st was one, so there's Crocus melantherus
, Crocus pallasii
, Moraea polystachya
and a small golden Oxalis in flower.

Last one is not a geophyte, but Berkheya cirsiifolia may show how far off normal the weather is - this year continues to be a wild ride.
Dear Members living in the EU

The final wrap-up round of this year's autumn exchange is now open for orders. The time window for ordering will close on Monday, October 16th at 24:00 Central European Time.
Every fully paid member of the PBS with a postal address in the EU can order from the seeds and bulbs on offer. You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order. There is no limit of how many positions from the list you can request, but you are only allocated one portion of each item. Please refrain from ordering "one of each" of the offerings. You can still join if you are tempted....

Please send your request by e-mail directly to Martin Bohnet, who is the director of the EU Bulb and Seed Exchange. Please do NOT send your request to the forum or the email list, these requests cannot be served. Please make sure you do not use the reply button when sending your request.

Martin's e-mail:
Orders will be accepted during the three day time window after the list went online until Monday 16th 24pm , closure will be announced in the forum. Distribution will then be at random so that everybody has the same chance to get the rare items in short supply.

Each portion of seed will be charged 2 US $, each portion of bulbs will be 3 US $. For very big/heavy/rare bulbs this may be doubled. Postage will be added at cost, converted into US $.

Payment for items from the EU-BX can only be made by PayPal in US Dollars to the PayPal account of the Pacific Bulb Society. Please make sure that the PBS receives the amount due in US Dollars. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the details and continue. It guides you directly on to your PayPal account. No cheques or credit cards can be accepted. Enclosed in the order, every recipient will receive a payment slip showing the details, please wait with any payment until you have received your order.

Donation already was closed during the week - please do not send in material until the announcement of the spring exchange, expected in or shortly before March.

Again, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Uli
Happy growing!

Uli and Martin

From Gianni Benetti: Bulbs

EX07_506 Gladiolus communis
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple

EX07_507 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX07_508 Gladiolus undulatus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_509 Gladiolus carneus
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_510 Gladiolus imbricatus
Flower Colors: purple

EX07_511 Iris tingitans
EX07_512 Iris versicolor
EX07_513 Iris xanthospuria

From Martin Bohnet: Bulbs:

EX07_514 Allium obliquum
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX07_515 Iris spuria
orange – likely ,,Imperial Bronze"

EX07_516 Ipomoea pubescens
Height: 150-250 cm (4.9-8.2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple
Special: climber
Life form:  tuber

EX07_517 Iris spuria
reds & oranges
EX07_518 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

From Carlos Jiménz: Bulbs:

EX07_519 Allium scaberrimum bulbils

and seeds:
EX07_520 Albuca cooperi
Flower Colors: yellow, green
ex Silverhill
EX07_521 Albuca juncifolia
ex Silverhill
EX07_522 Albuca suaveolens
Flower Colors: yellow, green
ex Silverhill
EX07_523 Allium paniculatum
EX07_524 Allium rupicola
EX07_525 Allium sphaerocephalon
subsp. deseglisei wild ex Haute-Garonne (more info on forum)
EX07_526 Aristolochia baetica Conil de la Frontera
EX07_527 Aristolochia baetica Puerto Real
EX07_528 Arum pictum
Sardinia ex Antoine Hoog
EX07_529 Biarum galianii (aka B. tenuifolium subsp. galianii)
EX07_530 Colchicum lusitanum

EX07_531 Narcissus cantabricus
'foliosus-like'. Málaga - Spain
EX07_532 Narcissus coronatus (ex pallidulus) (syn of N. hispanicus?)
EX07_533 Narcissus dubius
Molina de Segura – Spain
EX07_534 Narcissus gaditanus
  - Casabermeja, Málaga, Spain
EX07_535 Narcissus grandae - Oliva de Mérida, Spain
EX07_536 Narcissus longispathus
  - Cuenca, Spain
EX07_537 Narcissus munozii-garmendiae  - Ciudad Real, Spain
EX07_538 Narcissus triandrus
- Montorio, Spain
EX07_539 Paradisea liliastrum
- Molières fall, Vall d'Aran, Pyrenees
EX07_540 Zephyranthes drummondii

From Roland Ludwig (Please welcome a first-time contributor): Bulbs:

EX07_541 Albuca sp. Taru, parent ex Mbuyu shop, more or less evergreen
EX07_542 Begonia grandis
ssp. evansiana, bulbils
EX07_543 Cyanella aquatica
ex SABG exchange 2019
EX07_544 Cyrtanthus montanus

EX07_545 Hippeastrum striatum
(aff.), heirloom from GDR times
EX07_546 Oxalis brasiliensis
, winter-growing, ex Speciosus
EX07_547 Oxalis lasiandra
, summer-growing, parent plants ex Speciosus
EX07_548 Oxalis obtusa
, winter-growing, mix of two parentages
EX07_549 Puschkinia scilloides

EX07_550 Fessia greilhuberi

EX07_551 Zephranthes rosea

and Seed:
EX07_552 Crocosmia,Yellow Emberglow'
EX07_553 Habranthus robustus
,Russell Manning'
EX07_554 Mirabilis jalapa
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, patterned
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: flowers first year from seed
Life form: deciduous thick roots
, flower pinkish red
EX07_555 Zephyranthes drummondii

EX07_556 Zephyranthes filifolia ex Hans Joschko
EX07_557 Zephyranthes mesochloa
ex Bert Zaalberg
EX07_558 Zephyranthes miradorensis
ex Rimmer de Vries via SABG

From Angelika Neitzert, Seed(ish):

EX07_559 Albuca spec ex Koehres
EX07_560 Habranthus ,,Twinkle"
EX07_561 Oxalis convexula
(sandcorn sized bulbils)

From Cathy Osselton, Seed:

EX07_564 Tulipa ferganica
EX07_565 Tulipa humilis
rose no 7 op
EX07_566 Tulipa julia op
EX07_567 Tulipa tarda dasystemon op
EX07_568 Tulipa tarda Little Star op
EX07_569 Tulipa tarda
EX07_570 Tulipa tarda Tity's Star op
EX07_571 Tulipa urumiensis
EX07_572 Tulipa vvedenskyi Leonora op

From Uli Urban, Bulbs:

EX07_573 Tropaeolum leptophyllum
Flower Colors: yellow, patterned
Flower Season: late spring
Special: climber

EX07_574 Tropaeolum pentaphyllum
from Lauw de Jager
EX07_575 Tropaeolum tricolor

and seed:
EX07_576 Allium cristophii

EX07_577 Aristea ecklonii

EX07_578 Dracunculus vulgaris
EX07_579 Eremurus himalaicus

EX07_580 Hymenosporum flavum
EX07_581 Pancratium illyricum

And finally, from Château Pérouse /Jan-Willem Vos: Seed:

EX07_582 Pelargonium acetosum
EX07_583 Pelargonium alchemilloides

EX07_584 Pelargonium althaeoides
EX07_585 Pelargonium appendiculatum

EX07_586 Pelargonium aridum
EX07_587 Pelargonium auritum

EX07_588 Pelargonium barklyi

EX07_589 Pelargonium capitatum
EX07_590 Pelargonium cucullatum
EX07_591 Pelargonium elongatum
EX07_592 Pelargonium exhibens
EX07_593 Pelargonium fruticosum
EX07_594 Pelargonium glutinosum
EX07_595 Pelargonium grossularioides
EX07_596 Pelargonium hirtum
EX07_597 Pelargonium mollicomum
EX07_598 Pelargonium multicaule ssp subherbaceum
EX07_599 Pelargonium myrrhifolium
EX07_600 Pelargonium odoratissimum
EX07_601 Pelargonium ovale
EX07_602 Pelargonium ovale ssp hyalinum
EX07_603 Pelargonium panduriforme
EX07_604 Pelargonium paniculatum
EX07_605 Pelargonium patulum
EX07_606 Pelargonium polycephalum
EX07_607 Pelargonium radens
EX07_608 Pelargonium ranunculophyllum
EX07_609 Pelargonium ribifolium
EX07_610 Pelargonium tabulare
EX07_611 Pelargonium transvaalense
EX07_612 Pelargonium vitifolium

Still available at full price from the first round - please look up the donators in last month's list:

Bulbs at 3$ per portion

EX07_001 Allium flavum

EX07_019 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX07_044 Romulea australis
EX07_049 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
, seed from Silver hill
EX07_051 Oxalis obtusa

EX07_070 Babiana ambigua
, light blue
EX07_072 Babiana spec. dark blue, ex John Lavranos
EX07_073 Babiana melanops
, mid blue
EX07_081 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX07_082 Dichelostemma multiflorum
, violet, May
EX07_096 Ipheion uniflorum
'Summer Skies'
EX07_098 Ixia paniculata

EX07_102 Lachenalia multifolia
, late, white, floriferous, from Silverhill
EX07_103 Lachenalia/Polyxena paucifolia
, dwarf, purple
EX07_104 Lachenalia quadricolor
, from hand pollinated seed
EX07_122 Oxalis 'Ken Aslett' floriferous clone, autumn, yellow, silky silver foliage
EX07_138 Triteleia laxa

EX07_175 Amaryllis belladonna

EX07_176 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_177 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

Seed at 2$ per portion:

EX07_005 Alstroemeria ligtu

EX07_006 Camassia leichtlinii

EX07_007 Commelina tuberosa

EX07_008 Delphinium semibarbatum
EX07_009 Gladiolus palustris
Height: 30-60 cm (1-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple, white
Flower Season: early summer
Life form: deciduous corm

EX07_011 Melaspherula gramineum
EX07_012 Moraea marlothii

EX07_013 Paradisea lusitannica
EX07_015 Iris sicula

EX07_017 Aristolochia steupii
Flower Colors: yellow, patterned

EX07_022 Fritillaria sewerzowii
,,green eyes"
EX07_023 Lilium pumilum

EX07_047 Haemanthus albiflos

EX07_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX07_060 Cyclamen cyprium

EX07_063 Cyclamen libanoticum

EX07_067 Drimia uniflora

EX07_068 Smilax aspera balearicum
EX07_142 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX07_143 Albuca fragrans
EX07_144 Albuca spec,  Grahamstown, bright yellow upright flow. 50cm From microwaved pollen
EX07_145 Allium scorzonerifolium

EX07_146 Calochortus albus

EX07_147 Calochortus spec.  Santa Monica Range, King Gilette Rd
EX07_148 Cyclamen persicum
ex Red Shades Karpathos, open pollinated
EX07_149 Cyclamen persicum
ex pure white open pollinated
EX07_150 Cyrtanthus brachycyphus
EX07_151 Ferraria divaricata araneosa
EX07_152 Freesia Hybr. Ex Red Passion, open pollinated
EX07_153 Gladiolus alatus
Flower Colors: orange, white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_154 Gladiolus aureus
Flower Colors: yellow
Climate: winter rain climate
hand pollinated
EX07_155 Hippeastrum aulicum
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: red
Life form: evergreen bulb
var robustum
EX07_156 Hippeastrum evansiae
, plenty
EX07_157 Iris sicula

EX07_158 Ixia viridiflora

EX07_159 Lachenalia matthewsii open pollinated
EX07_160 Manfreda maculata

EX07_161 Narcissus triandrus

EX07_162 Ornithogalum ceresianum
black centre
EX07_163 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum

EX07_164 Ornithogalum pruinosum

EX07_166 Primula hendersonii
(was Dodecatheon)
EX07_167 Ranunculus cortusifolius
EX07_168 Romulea clusiana
, ex Oron Peri
EX07_169 Sparaxis roxburgii open pollinated
EX07_170 Sparaxis tricolor
, open pollinated
EX07_172 Veltheimia bracteata

EX07_173 Watsonia marginata

EX07_174 Zantedeschia aethiopica
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid spring to early summer
Life form:  tuber
  ex 'Flamingo'
EX07_179 Allium triquetrum

EX07_180 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_181 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

Seeds from the Spring exchange EX06, 1$ each

EX06_012 Agapanthus spec.,light blue / whitish
EX06_013 Albuca abyssinica

EX06_014 Albuca humilis

EX06_015 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_016 Albuca tenuifolia
EX06_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX06_018 Allium cyathophorum
var. farrerii
EX06_019 Allium goodingii
EX06_020 Anthericum ramosum

EX06_021 Dietes iridioides

EX06_022 Dipcadi serotinum

EX06_023 Ornithogalum balansae

EX06_024 Ornithogalum saundersii
EX06_025 Tulbaghia maritima
EX06_026 Zephyranthes primulina

EX06_027 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
(ex Antibes)
EX06_028 Allium christophii
EX06_029 Allium incensiodorum

EX06_033 Iris x pacifica cultivar mix
EX06_034 Lathyrus spec. Russia
EX06_036 Tulipa clusiana

EX06_037 Tulipa kaufmanniana
cv ,Gracija'
EX06_039 Lilium pumilum

EX06_043 Tropaeolum hookerianum

EX06_045 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX06_046 Albuca pulchra

EX06_047 Arisaema flava
EX06_048 Canna paniculata
EX06_051 Dahlia excelsa
EX06_052 Dietes grandiflora

EX06_055 Lilium chalcedonicum
older seed!
EX06_056 Lilium Hybr. 'White Triumphator' open pollinated
EX06_057 Lilium philippinense

EX06_058 Lilium pumilum

EX06_059 Neomarica spec. 1,5, beige and blue
EX06_060 Phalocallis coelestis syn Cypella gigantea
EX06_152 Lachenalia comptonii

EX06_219 Romulea rosea
var rosea
EX06_244 Narcissus cantabricus
ex Malaga – Tetraploid?
EX06_246 Narcissus gaditanus

EX06_251 Lilium phillippinense

Seeds from last year's fall EX05 @ 1$. Last time offered!

EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana
'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag' OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansieae
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio

EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_158 Lachenalia Hybr. 'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_476 Romulea rosea
f. australis
EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes "Twinkle"
General Discussion / Kniphofia northii @ at SANBI
October 12, 2023, 11:31:07 PM
The South African National Biodiversity Institute has reached out to us to use a photo from our wiki in their "Plant of the Week" article series (thanks @Emil for coordination), and the final article is excellent, as always:

I'd like to add a bit to the horticultural side of things, growing it in southern Germany. Obviously, seasons are switched, here it flowers in mid to late May. For now it seems totally hardy, coldest winter temperatures it took without notable damage was a night of -12°C. I've grown mine from seed sown in 2017, had it overwintered frost free in that first year, and planted out ever since, as this monster will likely not take being pot-bound for long - pic 1 shows its first snow in December 2018. It started flowering in 2020, at a rather modest size, but now as of 2023 has become a huge, multi-headed clump, completely occupying an area of 1.20 meters diameter, but with leaves reaching another 50 cm in all directions - almost too much of a monster for my small garden. The flowers only last for about two weeks for me, but you'll have an impressive clump of wide leaves some people will mistake for an Agave for the rest of the year.

As mine is a single plant, it doesn't set seed - not even with the garden center "K. uvaria" (which most should be hybrids)  or Kniphofia pauciflora
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: mid spring to early summer
, which flowers around the same time (and is the other end, size-wise, of the Genus)

Dear Members living in the EU

The first round of this year's autumn exchange is now open for orders. The time window for ordering will close on Monday, September 18th at 24:00 Central European Time.
Every fully paid member of the PBS with a postal address in the EU can order from the seeds and bulbs on offer. You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order. There is no limit of how many positions from the list you can request, but you are only allocated one portion of each item. Please refrain from ordering "one of each" of the offerings. You can still join if you are tempted....

Please send your request by e-mail directly to Martin Bohnet, who is the director of the EU Bulb and Seed Exchange. Please do NOT send your request to the forum or the email list, these requests cannot be served. Please make sure you do not use the reply button when sending your request.

Martin's e-mail:
Orders will be accepted during the three day time window after the list went online, closure will be announced in the forum. Distribution will then be at random so that everybody has the same chance to get the rare items in short supply.

Each portion of seed will be charged 2 US $, each portion of bulbs will be 3 US $. For very big/heavy/rare bulbs this may be doubled. Postage will be added at cost, converted into US $.

Payment for items from the EU-BX can only be made by PayPal in US Dollars to the PayPal account of the Pacific Bulb Society. Please make sure that the PBS receives the amount due in US Dollars. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the details and continue. It guides you directly on to your PayPal account. No cheques or credit cards can be accepted. Enclosed in the order, every recipient will receive a payment slip showing the details, please wait with any payment until you have received your order.

Again, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Uli
Happy growing!

Uli and Martin

from Martin Bohnet: Bulbs

EX07_001 Allium flavum

EX07_002 Pterostylis stricta x nutans alba
EX07_003 Trimezia steyermarkii
(unrooted offsets)


EX07_004 Acis nicaeensis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid spring

EX07_005 Alstroemeria ligtu

EX07_006 Camassia leichtlinii

EX07_007 Commelina tuberosa

EX07_008 Delphinium semibarbatum
EX07_009 Gladiolus palustris
Height: 30-60 cm (1-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple, white
Flower Season: early summer
Life form: deciduous corm

EX07_010 Herbertia lahue

EX07_011 Melasphaerula graminea

EX07_012 Moraea marlothii

EX07_013 Paradisea lusitanica

EX07_014 Sisyrinchium striatum

From Gianluca Corazza: seed

EX07_015 Iris sicula

From Eckhard Gottschalk: Bulb

EX07_016 Aristolochia steupii
Flower Colors: yellow, patterned

and seed:

EX07_017 Aristolochia steupii
Flower Colors: yellow, patterned

From Nils Hasenbein: bulbs

EX07_018 Cyrtanthus elatus

EX07_019 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX07_020 Narcissus willkommii

and seed

EX07_021 Dierama pulcherrimum

EX07_022 Fritillaria sewerzowii
,,green eyes"
EX07_023 Lilium pumilum

From Carlos Jimenéz: Non-Bulbous seeds - will be sent as needed to Martin, so they may take a little longer

EX07_024 Drosera rotundifolia - wild
EX07_025 Erinus alpinus
EX07_026 Garidella nigellastrum
EX07_027 Gentiana acaulis
EX07_028 Pinguicula grandiflora
EX07_029 Pinguicula vulgaris
EX07_030 Saxifraga aquatica - endemic from the Pyrenees, lives in high altitude bogs with Parnassia palustris, Drosera rotundifolia, etc.
EX07_031 Saxifraga media - endemic from the central Pyrenees, on limestone slopes
EX07_032 Saxifraga moschata
EX07_033 Saxifraga oppositifolia
EX07_034 Saxifraga paniculata
EX07_035 Saxifraga pubescens subsp. iratiana Pyrenees endemic
EX07_036 Saxifraga stellaris (Micranthes stellaris)  from mountain creeks.
EX07_037 Saxifraga umbrosa Wild
EX07_038 Senecio pyrenaicum
EX07_039 Verbascum pseudocreticum

From Angelika Neitzert: Bulbs

EX07_040 Babiana stricta
kew hybrids
EX07_041 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9
,purple stripe'
EX07_042 Oxalis corymbosa aureo reticulata
EX07_043 Oxalis flava
EX07_044 Romulea australis
EX07_045 Sparaxis elegans

EX07_046 Sparaxis maculosa

and seed:

EX07_047 Haemanthus albiflos

From Liga Plata: bulbs

EX07_048 Babiana pygmea (silver hill seeds)
EX07_049 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
, seed from Silver hill
EX07_050 Geissorhiza corrugata
from PBS seeds
EX07_051 Oxalis obtusa

EX07_052 Oxalis Pom-Pom
EX07_053 Pelargonium triste

EX07_054 Pelargonium radulifolium

EX07_055 Veltheimia bracteata
EX07_056 Veltheimia capensis

From Thorben Schneider: Bulb

EX07_057 Tropaeolum tricolor

and seed:

EX07_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX07_059 Cyclamen creticum

EX07_060 Cyclamen cyprium

EX07_061 Cyclamen cyprium ,E.S.'
EX07_062 Cyclamen graecum

EX07_063 Cyclamen libanoticum

EX07_064 Cyclamen rhodium

EX07_065 Cyclamen rhodium peleponesiacum
EX07_066 Cyclamen rhodium viridum
EX07_067 Drimia uniflora

EX07_068 Smilax aspera balearicum

From Uli Urban: Bulbs

EX07_069 Babiana angustifolia
, deep blue
EX07_070 Babiana ambigua
, light blue
EX07_071 Babiana fragrans
, light blue, light fragrance
EX07_072 Babianaspec. dark blue, ex John Lavranos
EX07_073 Babiana melanops
, mid blue
EX07_074 Babiana nana
, large flower, violet
EX07_075 Babiana odorata

EX07_076 Babiana villosa
, wine red
EX07_077 Biarum marmarisense, white, ex Wallis
EX07_078 Brodiaea elegans
, violet, May
EX07_079 Calochortus venustus

EX07_080 Crocus hadriaticus ssp hadriaticus, autumn, white
EX07_081 Dichelostemma ida-maiae
EX07_082 Dichelostemma multiflorum
, violet, May
EX07_083 Dracunculus canariensis
EX07_084 Freesia caryophyllacea
, autumn, dwarf plant, white very fragrant
EX07_085 Freesia Hybrid, deep golden yellow, excellent
EX07_086 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_087 Gladiolus orchidiflorus
Flower Colors: white, yellow, purple, green, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
, 1 year old grown on bulbili
EX07_088 Gladiolus priorii
Flower Colors: red
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
, ex  Silverhill
EX07_089 Gladiolus scullyii, bulbili
EX07_090 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_091 Gladiolus uysiae
Flower Colors: brown, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_092 Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring
, ex McMaster
EX07_093 Helicodiceros muscivorus (Dracunculus)
EX07_094 Ipheion sellowianum

EX07_095 Ipheion uniflorum
EX07_096 Ipheion uniflorum
'Summer Skies'
EX07_097 Iris filifolia
, ex Oron peri, deep blue
EX07_098 Ixia paniculata

EX07_099 Lachenalia aloides
, yellow, from seed
EX07_100 Lachenalia bulbifera
, Bredasdorp form, large red, from seed
EX07_101 Lachenalia latimerae
, small plant, pink, from seed
EX07_102 Lachenalia multifolia
, late, white, floriferous, from Silverhill
EX07_103 Lachenalia/Polyxena paucifolia
, dwarf, purple
EX07_104 Lachenalia quadricolor
, from hand pollinated seed
EX07_105 Lachenalia suaveolens

EX07_106 Moraea tulbaghense, ex Silverhill
EX07_107 Moraea villosa
, ex Bob Werra, ex US SX
EX07_108 Narcissus cordubensis

EX07_109 Narcissus gaditanus

EX07_110 Narcissus X perezlarae
EX07_111 Narcissus romieuxii

EX07_112 Ornithogalum thyrsoides

EX07_113 Oxalis bowiei
, large pink, long flowering
EX07_114 Oxalis cathara
, autumn
EX07_115 Oxalis densa
, low growing, silky white, does not like heat
EX07_116 Oxalis flava
group, spec No 1025, the best of this group, autumn, large silky yellow, Mary Sue Ittner
EX07_117 Oxalis glabra
, autumn, pink
EX07_118 Oxalis goniorrhiza, autumn, winter, very pale pink
EX07_119 Oxalis gracilis
, autumn, orange
EX07_120 Oxalis hirta
, autumn, pale purple
EX07_121 Oxalis spec, ex John Lavranos, autumn, white, pink Picotée, spotted foliage
EX07_122 Oxalis 'Ken Aslett' floriferous clone, autumn, yellow, silky silver foliage
EX07_123 Oxalis kasvogdensis, autumn, yellow, mossy foliage
EX07_124 Oxalis luteola
MV 5567, large pale yellow
EX07_125 Oxalis namaquana
U 54, yellow, long flowering, invasive potential, hardy?
EX07_126 Oxalis obtusa
'Elisabeth' yellow to copper, long flowering
EX07_127 Oxalis obtusa
, large Namaqualand form ex John Lavranos No73, very large magenta, one of the best!
EX07_128 Oxalis palmifrons

EX07_129 Oxalis pardalis
, autumn , purple, dark foliage
EX07_130 Oxalis perdicaria
var perdicaria, autumn, golden yellow, fragrant
EX07_131 Oxalis polyphylla
var heptaphylla, autumn, large pale pink
EX07_132 Oxalis purpurea alba, the best white purpurea, long flowering
EX07_133 Oxalis purpurea
'Lavender and White' long flowering
EX07_134 Oxalis semiloba
, like a brick red bowiei, long flowering
EX07_135 Oxalis tomentosa
, autumn, white
EX07_136 Sparaxis pillansii
Hybrid Mix
EX07_137 Triteleia 'Foxy'
EX07_138 Triteleia laxa

EX07_139 Tropaeolum leptophyllum
Flower Colors: yellow, patterned
Flower Season: late spring
Special: climber

EX07_140 Tropaeolum tricolor

EX07_141 Tulipa spec., systola ?

and seed:

EX07_142 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX07_143 Albuca fragrans
EX07_144 Albucaspec,  Grahamstown, bright yellow upright flow. 50cm From microwaved pollen
EX07_145 Allium scorzonerifolium

EX07_146 Calochortus albus

EX07_147 Calochortus spec.  Santa Monica Range, King Gilette Rd
EX07_148 Cyclamen persicum
ex Red Shades Karpathos, open pollinated
EX07_149 Cyclamen persicum
ex pure white open pollinated
EX07_150 Cyrtanthus brachycyphus
EX07_151 Ferraria divaricata araneosa
EX07_152 Freesia Hybr. Ex Red Passion, open pollinated
EX07_153 Gladiolus alatus
Flower Colors: orange, white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_154 Gladiolus aureus
Flower Colors: yellow
Climate: winter rain climate
hand pollinated
EX07_155 Hippeastrum aulicum
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: red
Life form: evergreen bulb
var robustum
EX07_156 Hippeastrum evansiae
, plenty
EX07_157 Iris sicula

EX07_158 Ixia viridiflora

EX07_159 Lachenalia matthewsii open pollinated
EX07_160 Manfreda maculata

EX07_161 Narcissus triandrus

EX07_162 Ornithogalum ceresianum
black centre
EX07_163 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum

EX07_164 Ornithogalum pruinosum

EX07_165 Pelargonium bowkeri

EX07_166 Primula hendersonii
(was Dodecatheon)
EX07_167 Ranunculus cortusifolius
EX07_168 Romulea clusiana
, ex Oron Peri
EX07_169 Sparaxis roxburgii open pollinated
EX07_170 Sparaxis tricolor
, open pollinated
EX07_171 Tropaeolum hookerianum

EX07_172 Veltheimia bracteata

EX07_173 Watsonia marginata

EX07_174 Zantedeschia aethiopica
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid spring to early summer
Life form:  tuber
  ex 'Flamingo'

from Marian Vanneste: bulbs

EX07_175 Amaryllis belladonna

EX07_176 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_177 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_178 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

and seed:

EX07_179 Allium triquetrum

EX07_180 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_181 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

From Château Pérouse / Albertus Jan-Willem Vos
once again these are only ordered on demand and may need a few days longer. All seed or bulbuli charged as seed.

EX07_182 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX07_183 Albuca spiralis

EX07_184 Albuca viscosa
EX07_185 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX07_186 Allium amplectens
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: mid spring
Life form:  bulb

EX07_187 Allium carinatum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white, pink, purple
Flower Season: early summer
Life form: deciduous bulb
ssp pulchellum
EX07_188 Allium eriocoleum
EX07_189 Allium lusitanicum
EX07_190 Allium paniculatum
ssp pallens
EX07_191 Allium ramosum

EX07_192 Allium roborowskianum
EX07_193 Allium saxatile

EX07_194 Allium schoenoprasum

EX07_195 Allium subhirsutum

EX07_196 Allium tuberosum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: edible leaves

EX07_197 Aristea ecklonii

EX07_198 Asparagus racemosus
EX07_199 Babiana ambigua

EX07_200 Babiana angustifolia

EX07_201 Babiana blanda

EX07_202 Babiana cuneata

EX07_203 Babiana dregei

EX07_204 Babiana ecklonii

EX07_205 Babiana ecklonii
EX07_206 Babiana fourcadei
EX07_207 Babiana fragrans

EX07_208 Babiana fragrans
EX07_209 Babiana framesii

EX07_210 Babiana hirsuta

EX07_211 Babiana inclinata
ex Hermon
EX07_212 Babiana inclinata
ex Silverhill Porterville
EX07_213 Babiana inclinata
ex Silverhill Porterville  (Bulbils)
EX07_214 Babiana karooica

EX07_215 Babiana leipoldtii

EX07_216 Babiana lineolata
ex Cederberg
EX07_217 Babiana lineolata
ex Cederberg  (Bulbils)
EX07_218 Babiana lineolata
ex Porterville
EX07_219 Babiana lineolata
ex Porterville  (Bulbils)
EX07_220 Babiana melanops

EX07_221 Babiana mucronata ssp minor
EX07_222 Babiana mucronata ssp mucronata
EX07_223 Babiana nana ssp nana
EX07_224 Babiana nana ssp nana  (Bulbils)
EX07_225 Babiana nervosa
EX07_226 Babiana noctiflora

EX07_227 Babiana patersoniae

EX07_228 Babiana patula
ex Indigenous Bulb Association of SA
EX07_229 Babiana patula
ex Silverhill
EX07_230 Babiana praemorsa

EX07_231 Babiana purpurea

EX07_232 Babiana purpurea
EX07_233 Babiana pygmaea

EX07_234 Babiana ringens

EX07_235 Babiana rubrocyanea

EX07_236 Babiana rubrocyanea
ex Silverhill 3
EX07_237 Babiana rubrocyanea
ex Silverhill 5
EX07_238 Babiana sambucina

EX07_239 Babiana scariosa

EX07_240 Babiana sinuata

EX07_241 Babiana spathacea

EX07_242 Babiana tanquana

EX07_243 Babiana tubaeformis
EX07_244 Babiana tubiflora

EX07_245 Babiana tubulosa
ex Bulb Argence
EX07_246 Babiana tubulosa
ex Bulb Argence  (Bulbils)
EX07_247 Babiana tubulosa
ex Hoog
EX07_248 Babiana vanzijliae

EX07_249 Babiana villosa

EX07_250 Babiana villosula
ex Brackenfell
EX07_251 Babiana villosula
ex Stellenbosch
EX07_252 Bellevalia dubia
ex Libertos
EX07_253 Bellevalia dubia
ex dix
EX07_254 Bellevalia longistyla

EX07_255 Bellevalia romana

EX07_256 Beschorneria septentrionalis
EX07_257 Brimeura amethystina

EX07_258 Brodiaea californica

EX07_259 Brodiaea elegans

EX07_260 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_261 Chasmanthe bicolor

EX07_262 Colchicum szovitsii

EX07_263 Cordyline petiolaris
EX07_264 Crocus angustifolius

EX07_265 Crocus clusii
EX07_266 Crocus goulimyi

EX07_267 Crocus robertianus

EX07_268 Dierama pendulum

EX07_269 Dierama pulcherrimum

EX07_270 Dipcadi serotinum var fulvum
EX07_271 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_272 Ferraria schaeferi
Flower Colors: yellow, brown, patterned
Special: fragrant
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX07_273 Ferraria variabilis
Flower Colors: yellow, green, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX07_274 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX07_275 Freesia fucata

EX07_276 Freesia laxa
ex issa
EX07_277 Freesia laxa
ex Bulb Argence
EX07_278 Freesia leichtlinii

EX07_279 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba
EX07_280 Freesia leichtlinii ssp alba  (Bulbils)
EX07_281 Freesia speciosa

EX07_282 Freesia viridis

EX07_283 Fritillaria persica

EX07_284 Geissorhiza aspera

EX07_285 Gladiolus abbreviatus
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_286 Gladiolus arcuatus
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_287 Gladiolus arcuatus
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Climate: winter rain climate
EX07_288 Gladiolus ceresianus
Height: 0-10 cm (0-3.9 inch)
Flower Colors: green
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_289 Gladiolus communis
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple

EX07_290 Gladiolus floribundus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_291 Gladiolus griseus
Flower Colors: white
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_292 Gladiolus huttonii
Flower Colors: red, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_293 Gladiolus illyricus
Flower Colors: purple

EX07_294 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white
ex Gibraltar
EX07_295 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white
ex Thuret
EX07_296 Gladiolus liliaceus
Flower Colors: yellow, pink, purple
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_297 Gladiolus longicollis
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: summer rain climate

EX07_298 Gladiolus miniatus
Flower Colors: pink, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_299 Gladiolus ochroleucus
Flower Colors: pink
Climate: summer rain climate

EX07_300 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
ex Roggeveld
EX07_301 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
ex Siraudeau
EX07_302 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9

EX07_303 Gladiolus undulatus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_304 Gladiolus venustus
Flower Colors: pink, purple, yellow
Climate: winter rain climate

EX07_305 Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring

EX07_306 Hesperaloe parviflora
EX07_307 Hesperantha bachmannii
ex Siraudeau
EX07_308 Hesperantha bachmannii
ex Libertos
EX07_309 Hesperoyucca whipplei
EX07_310 Hyacinthoides hispanica

EX07_311 Hyacinthoides non-scripta

EX07_312 Hyacinthoides reverchonii

EX07_313 Iris spuria

EX07_314 Ixia contorta

EX07_315 Ixia curta

EX07_316 Ixia gloriosa

EX07_317 Ixia orientalis

EX07_318 Ixia polystachya

EX07_319 Ixia polystachya var lutea
EX07_320 Ixia ramulosa
ex Kamiesberg
EX07_321 Ixia ramulosa
ex Libertos
EX07_322 Ixia tenuifolia

EX07_323 Ixia thomasiae

EX07_324 Ixia trifolia

EX07_325 Ixia viridiflora

EX07_326 Lachenalia algoensis

EX07_327 Lachenalia aloides

EX07_328 Lachenalia aloides
EX07_329 Lachenalia anguinea
ex Siraudeau
EX07_330 Lachenalia anguinea
ex Telos
EX07_331 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae

EX07_332 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae
EX07_333 Lachenalia attenuata

EX07_334 Lachenalia bachmannii

EX07_335 Lachenalia bachmannii
EX07_336 Lachenalia calcicola
EX07_337 Lachenalia carnosa

EX07_338 Lachenalia comptoni
EX07_339 Lachenalia congesta

EX07_340 Lachenalia contaminata
ex IBA of SA
EX07_341 Lachenalia contaminata
ex IBA of SA  (Bulbils)
EX07_342 Lachenalia contaminata
ex Telos
EX07_343 Lachenalia contaminata
ex Villiersdorp
EX07_344 Lachenalia ensifolia
ex Siraudeau
EX07_345 Lachenalia ensifolia
ex Willemsrivier
EX07_346 Lachenalia flava

EX07_347 Lachenalia haarlemensis

EX07_348 Lachenalia judithiae
EX07_349 Lachenalia kliprandensis

EX07_350 Lachenalia liliiflora
EX07_351 Lachenalia liliiflora (Bulbils)
EX07_352 Lachenalia lutea

EX07_353 Lachenalia marginata ssp neglecta
EX07_354 Lachenalia marginata ssp neglecta  (Bulbils)
EX07_355 Lachenalia mathewsii
ex Mediterranean Garden Society
EX07_356 Lachenalia mathewsii
ex Siraudeau
EX07_357 Lachenalia membranacea

EX07_358 Lachenalia multifolia

EX07_359 Lachenalia multifolia
EX07_360 Lachenalia mutabilis

EX07_361 Lachenalia orthopetala

EX07_362 Lachenalia orthopetala
EX07_363 Lachenalia pallida

EX07_364 Lachenalia pallida
EX07_365 Lachenalia paucifolia

EX07_366 Lachenalia purpureocaerulea

EX07_367 Lachenalia pygmaea

EX07_368 Lachenalia pygmaea
EX07_369 Lachenalia reflexa

EX07_370 Lachenalia rosea

EX07_371 Lachenalia schlechteri
EX07_372 Lachenalia splendida

EX07_373 Lachenalia stayneri
EX07_374 Lachenalia stayneri  (Bulbils)
EX07_375 Lachenalia summerfieldii

EX07_376 Lachenalia thomasiae

EX07_377 Lachenalia trichophylla

EX07_378 Lachenalia unifolia

EX07_379 Lachenalia ventricosa

EX07_380 Lachenalia violacea

EX07_381 Lachenalia whitehillensis

EX07_382 Lachenalia wrightii
EX07_383 Lachenalia wrightii(Bulbils)
EX07_384 Lachenalia zeyheri

EX07_385 Lapeirousia divaricata
ex Libertos
EX07_386 Lapeirousia divaricata
ex Silverhill
EX07_387 Lapeirousia montana

EX07_388 Lapeirousia oreogena

EX07_389 Lapeirousia pyramidalis

EX07_390 Laxmannia gracilis
EX07_391 Leopoldia caucasica
EX07_392 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX07_393 Leopoldia weissii
EX07_394 Leucocoryne purpurea

EX07_395 Leucocoryne vittata

EX07_396 Libertia chilensis
EX07_397 Libertia sessiliflora

EX07_398 Massonia echinata

EX07_399 Massonia hirsuta

EX07_400 Massonia pseudoechinata

EX07_401 Massonia pustulata
ex Issa
EX07_402 Massonia pustulata
ex napier
EX07_403 Massonia pygmaea

EX07_404 Massonia sempervirens

EX07_405 Moraea bipartita

EX07_406 Moraea britteniae

EX07_407 Moraea bulbillifera

EX07_408 Moraea collina

EX07_409 Moraea comptonii

EX07_410 Moraea cookii

EX07_411 Moraea flaccida
ex Laxhart
EX07_412 Moraea flaccida
ex Laxhart  (Bulbils)
EX07_413 Moraea flaccida
ex Libertos  (Bulbils)
EX07_414 Moraea fugax

EX07_415 Moraea gigandra

EX07_416 Moraea longifolia

EX07_417Moraea marlothii

EX07_418 Moraea miniata

EX07_419 Moraea pendula

EX07_420 Moraea polystachya

EX07_421 Moraea setifolia

EX07_422 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX07_423 Moraea vegeta

EX07_424 Muscari macrocarpum

EX07_425 Muscari neglectum

EX07_426 Narcissus dubius

EX07_427 Narcissus flavus
EX07_428 Narcissus obesus

EX07_429 Narcissus papyraceus

EX07_430 Ornithogalum dictaeum
EX07_431 Ornithogalum montanum

EX07_432 Orthrosanthus polystachyus

EX07_433 Paradisea lusitanica

EX07_434 Patersonia lanata
EX07_435 Patersonia occidentalis ex Aus Seed 9
EX07_436 Patersonia occidentalis ex Nidenthana
EX07_437 Patersonia occidentalis 'Alba'
EX07_438 Patersonia sericea
EX07_439 Phalocallis coelestis
EX07_440 Pseudomuscari inconstrictum

EX07_441 Romulea albiflora

EX07_442 Romulea austinii

EX07_443 Romulea bulbocodium var crocea
EX07_444 Romulea clusiana

EX07_445 Romulea clusiana
EX07_446 Romulea cruciata

EX07_447 Romulea cruciata var intermedia
EX07_448 Romulea diversiformis

EX07_449 Romulea engleri

EX07_450 Romulea eximia

EX07_451 Romulea flava

EX07_452 Romulea gigantea

EX07_453 Romulea hirta

EX07_454 Romulea leipoldtii

EX07_455 Romulea longipes

EX07_456 Romulea minutiflora

EX07_457 Romulea monadelpha

EX07_458 Romulea multisulcata

EX07_459 Romulea obscura

EX07_460 Romulea pratensis

EX07_461 Romulea ramiflora

EX07_462 Romulea rosea var australis
EX07_463 Romulea rosea var rosea
EX07_464 Romulea tetragona

EX07_465 Romulea tetragona var flavandra
EX07_466 Scilla litardierei
EX07_467 Scilla peruviana

EX07_468 Sisyrinchium californicum

EX07_469 Sisyrinchium idahoense
EX07_470 Sisyrinchium striatum

EX07_471 Sisyrinchium tinctorium
EX07_472 Sparaxis bulbifera

EX07_473 Sparaxis elegans
Ex Indigenous Bulb Association of SA
EX07_474 Sparaxis elegans
ex PBS
EX07_475 Sparaxis elegans
ex Telos
EX07_476 Sparaxis fragrans
ex Libertos
EX07_477 Sparaxis fragrans
ex Silverhill
EX07_478 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp acutiloba ex Piketberg
EX07_479 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp acutiloba ex Citrusdal
EX07_480 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp violacea
EX07_481 Sparaxis metelerkampiae

EX07_482 Sparaxis parviflora

EX07_483 Sparaxis pillansii

EX07_484 Sparaxis tricolor

EX07_485 Sparaxis tricolor
ex Clanwilliam
EX07_486 Triteleia peduncularis

EX07_487 Tritonia crocata

EX07_488 Tritonia deusta

EX07_489 Tritonia squalida
ex Silverhill
EX07_490 Tritonia squalida
ex Siraudeau
EX07_491 Tulbaghia natalensis

EX07_492 Tulbaghia violacea

EX07_493 Tulipa clusiana

EX07_494 Tulipa clusiana
ex Lepage
EX07_495 Tulipa ferganica

EX07_496 Tulipa sprengeri

EX07_497 Tulipa tschimganica
EX07_498 Veltheimia bracteata

EX07_499 Watsonia coccinea

EX07_500 Watsonia densiflora

EX07_501 Watsonia pillansii

EX07_502 Zephyranthes citrina

EX07_503 Zephyranthes katheriniae
EX07_504 Zephyranthes magnoi
EX07_505 Zephyranthes martinezii

In addition we offer leftovers from two previous exchanges - these are all seed and are charged at 1$ /Package.

From EX06 - 2023 spring distribution

EX06_006 Ennealophus euryandrus

EX06_012 Agapanthusspec.,light blue / whitish
EX06_013 Albuca abyssinica

EX06_014 Albuca humilis

EX06_015 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_016 Albuca tenuifolia
EX06_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX06_018 Allium cyathophorum var. farrerii
EX06_019 Allium goodingii
EX06_020 Anthericum ramosum

EX06_021 Dietes iridioides

EX06_022 Dipcadi serotinum

EX06_023 Ornithogalum balansae

EX06_024 Ornithogalum saundersii
EX06_025 Tulbaghia maritima
EX06_026 Zephyranthes primulina

EX06_027 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
(ex Antibes)
EX06_028 Allium christophii
EX06_029 Allium incensiodorum

EX06_030 Anemone drummondii
EX06_033 Iris x pacifica cultivar mix
EX06_034 Lathyrusspec. Russia
EX06_036 Tulipa clusiana

EX06_037 Tulipa kaufmanniana cv ,Gracija'
EX06_039 Lilium pumilum

EX06_043 Tropaeolum hookerianum

EX06_045 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX06_046 Albuca pulchra

EX06_047 Arisaema flava
EX06_048 Canna paniculata
EX06_051 Dahlia excelsa
EX06_052 Dietes grandiflora

EX06_054 Hippeastrum evansiae

EX06_055 Lilium chalcedonicum
older seed!
EX06_056 Lilium Hybr. 'White Triumphator' open pollinated
EX06_057 Lilium philippinense

EX06_058 Lilium pumilum

EX06_059 Neomarica spec. 1,5, beige and blue
EX06_060 Phalocallis coelestis syn Cypella gigantea
EX06_152 Lachenalia comptonii
EX06_219 Romulea rosea var rosea
EX06_242 Fritillaria bucharica
(syn Rhinopetalum)
EX06_243 Fritillaria stenanthera
(syn Rhinopetalum)
EX06_244 Narcissus cantabricus
ex Malaga – Tetraploid?
EX06_245 Narcissus dubius
ex Cartagena
EX06_246 Narcissus gaditanus

EX06_251 Lilium phillippinense

and, last set again at 1$, all seed from last year's fall distribution:

EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca aurantica
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland'OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag'OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maiae
EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansieae
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio
EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve
EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form
EX05_158 Lachenalia Hybr. 'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus

EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_431 Calochortus luteus
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_473 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_476 Romulea rosea f. australis
EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes  "Twinkle"

That completes the list!
Current Photographs / May 2023 photos
May 02, 2023, 02:25:48 PM
new month, new flowers...

First flower in the bog is Helonias bullata
Height: 10-30 cm (0.3-1 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: mid spring
Life form: evergreen rhizome
, which shoots its flowers higher day by day. Until recently I'd stated the bog is mostly care free besides the slugs, now I'm suffering from Blackbirds who found out how nice my sphagnum is in their nests. I'm thinking about chaining my cat to the, I'm not, but it could help with those blackbirds...

I've checked the image in the wiki and I guess I'll add this one for Bongardia chrysogonum
. They may be not spectacular, but they are much nicer hen shown there. Staying in the color scheme, there's Moraea marlothii
- nice closeup plant, in he total you'd see a 1 m long stick with a single and comparably tiny yellow flower on top. For a total, take tree peony Shima Daijin (not a Geophyte, but a wiki-plant) - happy it's not as hot as it has been in May in the last years, so it (yes, single plant) will look nice for more than 3 days - i hope.

Orchids seem to have entered the pink phase: there's my native Orchis mascula
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
Life form:  tuber
and, from the other side of the world (ancestor wise) Thelymitra 'Ron Heberle', which is a German hybrid of T. nuda and T. variegata by Beyrle. OK, Pink-blue-spottet-goldrimmed phase in that case. The fact that it's open should tell you that it was warm and sunny today - still nothing compared to earlier years, where we scraped 30°C  in the beginning of May.
Dear Members living in the EU

The last round of this year's spring exchange is now open for orders. The time window for ordering will close on Monday, May 1st at 24:00 Central European Time.

Every fully paid member of the PBS with a postal address in the EU can order from the seeds and bulbs on offer. You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order. There is no limit of how many positions from the list you can request, but you are only allocated one portion of each item. Please refrain from ordering "one of each" of the offerings.

Please send your request by e-mail directly to Martin Bohnet, who is the director of the EU Bulb and Seed Exchange. Please do NOT send your request to the forum, these requests cannot be served. Please make sure you do not use the reply button when sending your request.

Martin's e-mail:
Orders will be accepted during the four day time window after the list went online, closure will be announced in the forum. Distribution will then be at random so that everybody has the same chance to get the rare items in short supply.

Each portion of seed will be charged 2 US $, each portion of bulbs will be 3 US $. For very big/heavy/rare bulbs this may be doubled. Postage will be added at cost, converted into US $.

Payment for items from the EU-BX can only be made by PayPal in US Dollars to the PayPal account of the Pacific Bulb Society. Please make sure that the PBS receives the amount due in US Dollars. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the details and continue. It guides you directly on to your PayPal account. No cheques or credit cards can be accepted. Enclosed in the order, every recipient will receive a payment slip showing the details, please wait with any payment until you have received your order.

Again, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Uli

Here's our list for EX06b:

from Martin Bohnet (all bulbs):
EX06_236 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber

EX06_237 Amorphophallus myosuroides
Height: 10-30 cm (0.3-1 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber
silver leaf form
EX06_238 Ficaria verna
Height: 0-10 cm (0-3.9 inch)
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 5-8
,,Copper Knob"
EX06_239 Ophiopogon chingii
EX06_240 Sinningia tubiflora

from Susanne Deininger (seeds)
EX06_241 Cyclamen cyprium

from  Carlos Jiménez (seeds)
EX06_242 Fritillaria bucharica
(syn Rhinopetalum)
EX06_243 Fritillaria stenanthera
(syn Rhinopetalum)
EX06_244 Narcissus cantabricus
ex Malaga – Tetraploid?
EX06_245 Narcissus dubius
ex Cartagena
EX06_246 Narcissus gaditanus

EX06_247 Narcissus tortifolius
ex Cartagena

from Åke Nordström: bulbs...
EX06_248 Alstroemeria psittacina

EX06_249 Haemanthus albiflos

and seeds:
EX06_250 Clivia miniata
EX06_251 Lilium philippinense

From Uli Urban: bulbs...
EX06_252 Achimenes ,,E. Nelson"
EX06_253 Achimenes grandiflora
Flower Colors: purple
Life form:  rhizome
Climate: summer rain climate
type 2
EX06_254 Achimenes grandiflora
Flower Colors: purple
Life form:  rhizome
Climate: summer rain climate
type 1
EX06_255 Achimenes heterophylla
EX06_256 Achimenes longiflora
EX06_257 Achimenes ,,Pulcherrima"
EX06_258 Achimenes ,,Tarantella"
EX06_259 Achimenes ,,Tetra Verschaffelt"
EX06_260 Amorphophallus atroviridis, 6$
EX06_261 Eucodonia ,,Cecilia"
EX06_262 Eucodonia "Maike"
EX06_263 Eucodonia spec blue
EX06_264 Dioscorea discolor

EX06_265 Milla magnifica

EX06_266 Oxalis elegans

EX06_267 Oxalis stipulans
EX06_268 Seemannia gymnostoma
EX06_269 Seemannia nematanthoides
EX06_270 Smithicodonia ,,Heartlands joy"
EX06_271 Smithicodonia "Ohio's never say never"
EX06_272 Smithicodonia "Ohio's Pumpkin"
EX06_273 Smithicodonia ,,RF's Grandiosa"
EX06_274 Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana

and seeds:
EX06_275 Clivia miniata
narrow leaf heirloom

Leftovers from the first part of the spring distribution: all seeds, 2$:
EX06_006 Ennealophus euryandrus

EX06_012 Agapanthus spec.,light blue / whitish
EX06_013 Albuca abyssinica

EX06_014 Albuca humilis

EX06_015 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_016 Albuca tenuifolia
EX06_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX06_018 Allium cyathophorum
var. farrerii
EX06_019 Allium goodingii
EX06_020 Anthericum ramosum

EX06_021 Dietes iridioides

EX06_022 Dipcadi serotinum

EX06_023 Ornithogalum balansae

EX06_024 Ornithogalum saundersii
EX06_025 Tulbaghia maritima
EX06_026 Zephyranthes primulina

EX06_027 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
(ex Antibes)
EX06_028 Allium christophii
EX06_029 Allium incensiodorum

EX06_030 Anemone drummondii
EX06_031 Asphodelus aestivus

EX06_032 Asphodelus serotinus
EX06_033 Iris x pacifica cultivar mix
EX06_034 Lathyrus spec. Russia
EX06_035 Narcissus grandae, fully fertile (cantabricus x bulbocodium)
EX06_036 Tulipa clusiana

EX06_037 Tulipa kaufmanniana
cv ,Gracija'
EX06_039 Lilium pumilum

EX06_043 Tropaeolum hookerianum

EX06_045 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX06_046 Albuca pulchra

EX06_047 Arisaema flava
EX06_048 Canna paniculata
EX06_051 Dahlia excelsa
EX06_052 Dietes grandiflora

EX06_054 Hippeastrum evansiae

EX06_055 Lilium chalcedonicum
older seed!
EX06_056 Lilium Hybr. 'White Triumphator' open pollinated
EX06_057 Lilium philippinense

EX06_058 Lilium pumilum

EX06_059 Neomarica spec. 1,5, beige and blue
EX06_060 Phalocallis coelestis syn Cypella gigantea
EX06_152 Lachenalia comptonii

EX06_219 Romulea rosea
var rosea

From EX05 (fall 2022), all seeds, 1$/package
EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag'OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansieae
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio

EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve
EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form
EX05_158 Lachenalia  'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_160 Manfreda maculosa
EX05_162 Narcissus bulbocodium
, early form
EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus

EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_431 Calochortus luteus
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

EX05_440 Acis valentina
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_459 Paeonia broteri
EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_473 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_476 Romulea rosea
f. australis
EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes  "Twinkle"

Leftovers from EX04 (spring 2022), last time offered, 1$
EX04_002 Drimia uniflora
DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 6-8

EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus pendulus
EX04_019 Albuca humilis

EX04_020 Allium cyaneum, originally received as A. beesianum
EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis

EX04_025 Freesia laxa
, salmon with red dots
EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans
(Syn. Galtonia c.)
EX04_029 Atropa belladonna
EX04_031 Dioscorea communis
EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea
EX04_040 Leonurus cardica
EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia
EX04_068 Albuca pulchra

EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white
EX04_074 Datura wrightii
EX04_075 LiliumWhite Triumphator
EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: yellow
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis
EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
EX04_090 Lomandra spicata
EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis
EX04_101 Massonia pustulata
(De Hoop) x self

Happy growing!
Uli and Martin
Dear Members living in the EU

The first round of the spring 2023 bulb and seed exchange (BX/SX) is now open for orders. As usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Sunday, March 26th at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced on list and forum. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items.

Please read the entire instructions carefully and please note, the the US Bulb and Seed exchanges have different dates but continue otherwise unchanged.
The donation phase for the EU exchange remains open as there will be a second round scheduled for April, details will be announced through the same channels

Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( ). You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this list.
As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST OR THE FORUM WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL OR FORUM PM TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( ) He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button.

And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address.

Pricing and Payment

Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX04_??? and EX05_???) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted.

Payment for the EU BX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. As PayPal has changed the conditions for foreign payments, you MUST go though the Pay-Pal payment form on the PBS website. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form at It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until you have received your order.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions ( )

Here's our List:

From Martin Bohnet:
EX06_001 Bletilla ochracea
Height: 20-30 cm (0.7-1 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, white
Life form:  corm

EX06_002 Cyperus esculentus
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: green
Special: edible storage organ
,giant from Ghana'
EX06_003 Gladiolus dalenii
Flower Colors: red, yellow, green, patterned
Climate: summer rain climate
EX06_004 Gladiolus ,,David Hills" (papillio-based red)
EX06_005 Oxalis magnifica

EX06_006 Ennealophus euryandrus

From Peter Dinges:
EX06_007 Codonopsis pilosula

EX06_008 Commelina tuberosa

EX06_009 Lilium hybrid robust solid orange form
EX06_010 Mirabilis longiflora
Flower Colors: white
Life form:  thick roots

EX06_011 Mirabilis longiflora
Flower Colors: white
Life form:  thick roots
large specimen 6$

EX06_012 Agapanthus spec.,light blue / whitish
EX06_013 Albuca abyssinica

EX06_014 Albuca humilis

EX06_015 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_016 Albuca tenuifolia
EX06_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX06_018 Allium cyathophorum
var. farrerii
EX06_019 Allium goodingii
EX06_020 Anthericum ramosum

EX06_021 Dietes iridioides

EX06_022 Dipcadi serotinum

EX06_023 Ornithogalum balansae

EX06_024 Ornithogalum saundersii
EX06_025 Tulbaghia maritima
EX06_026 Zephyranthes primulina

From Carlos Jiménez (all seeds)
EX06_027Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
(ex Antibes)
EX06_028 Allium christophii
EX06_029 Allium incensiodorum

EX06_030 Anemone drummondii
EX06_031 Asphodelus aestivus

EX06_032 Asphodelus serotinus
EX06_033 Iris x pacifica cultivar mix
EX06_034 Lathyrus spec. Russia
EX06_035 Narcissus grandae, fully fertile (cantabricus x bulbocodium)
EX06_036 Tulipa clusiana

EX06_037 Tulipa kaufmanniana
cv ,Gracija'

From Hans Joschko (seed):
EX06_038 Primulina tamiana (ex Brazil Plants)

From Cathy Osselton (seed):
EX06_039 Lilium pumilum

From Thorben Schneider(seeds):
EX06_040 Cyclamen cypricum
EX06_041 Cyclamen persicum
EX06_042 Cyclamen rohlfsianum

EX06_043 Tropaeolum hookerianum

From Uli Urban:
EX06_044 Oxalis triangularis

EX06_045 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX06_046 Albuca pulchra

EX06_047 Arisaema flava
EX06_048 Canna paniculata
EX06_049 Clivia nobilis

EX06_050 Cyrtanthus montanus

EX06_051 Dahlia excelsa
EX06_052 Dietes grandiflora

EX06_053 Gladiolus dalenii
Flower Colors: red, yellow, green, patterned
Climate: summer rain climate
salmon pink
EX06_054 Hippeastrum evansiae

EX06_055 Lilium chalcedonicum
older seed!
EX06_056 Lilium Hybr. 'White Triumphator' open pollinated
EX06_057 Lilium philippinense

EX06_058 Lilium pumilum

EX06_059 Neomaricaspec. 1,5, beige and blue
EX06_060 Phalocallis coelestis syn Cypella gigantea

From Aart van Voorst (seed):
EX06_061 Clivia caulescens
(high flower count)
EX06_062 Clivia gardenii
dwarf type
EX06_063 Clivia gardenii x robusta selfed, green flower tips
EX06_064 Clivia (gardenii x robusta) x robusta Maxima green fl. tips
EX06_065 Clivia miniata x cyrthanthiflora selfed → compact
EX06_066 Clivia nobilis x miniata selfed → compact plant
EX06_067 Clivia robusta
,Maxima' (Fred van Niekerk)

Last but not least, the catalogue from Château Pérouse courtesy of Jan-Willem Vos - all seed with some delay as they will only send me what has been ordered:

EX06_068 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX06_069 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX06_070 Albuca spiralis

EX06_071 Allium acutiflorum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX06_072 Allium carinatum ssp pulchellum
EX06_073 Allium eriocoleum
EX06_074 Allium saxatile

EX06_075 Allium schoenoprasum

EX06_076 Allium tuberosum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: edible leaves

EX06_077 Babiana angustifolia

EX06_078 Babiana cuneata

EX06_079 Babiana dregei

EX06_080 Babiana ecklonii

EX06_081 Babiana fourcadei
EX06_082 Babiana fragrans

EX06_083 Babiana framesii

EX06_084 Babiana inclinata

EX06_085 Babiana karooica

EX06_086 Babiana leipoldtii

EX06_087 Babiana lineolata
ex porterville
EX06_088 Babiana lineolata
ex cedarberg
EX06_089 Babiana melanops

EX06_090 Babiana mucronata
ssp minor
EX06_091 Babiana mucronata
ssp mucronata
EX06_092 Babiana nervosa
EX06_093 Babiana noctiflora

EX06_094 Babiana praemorsa

EX06_095 Babiana pygmaea

EX06_096 Babiana rubrocyanea

EX06_097 Babiana sambucina

EX06_098 Babiana scariosa

EX06_099 Babiana spathacea

EX06_100 Babiana tubiflora

EX06_101 Babiana tubulosa

EX06_102 Babiana vanzijliae

EX06_103 Babiana villosula
ex Stellebosch
EX06_104 Babiana villosula
ex Brackenfell
EX06_105 Bellevalia dubia

EX06_106 Bellevalia longistyla

EX06_107 Bellevalia romana

EX06_108 Brimeura amethystina

EX06_109 Brodiaea californica

EX06_110 Brodiaea elegans

EX06_111 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX06_112 Chasmanthe bicolor

EX06_113 Colchicum szovitsii

EX06_114 Cordyline petiolaris
EX06_115 Crocus goulimyi

EX06_116 Crocus robertianus

EX06_117 Dipcadi serotinum
var fulvum
EX06_118 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX06_119 Freesia fucata

EX06_120 Freesia laxa

EX06_121 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba
EX06_122 Freesia viridis

EX06_123 Fritillaria persica

EX06_124 Gladiolus abbreviatus
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_125 Gladiolus arcuatus
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_126 Gladiolus communis
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple

EX06_127 Gladiolus floribundus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_128 Gladiolus illyricus
Flower Colors: purple

EX06_129 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX06_130 Gladiolus longicollis
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: summer rain climate

EX06_131 Gladiolus miniatus
Flower Colors: pink, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_132 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_133 Gladiolus tristis
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Flower Season: early spring to mid spring
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate, USDA Zone 8-9

EX06_134 Gladiolus undulatus
Flower Colors: white, pink
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_135 Gladiolus venustus
Flower Colors: pink, purple, yellow
Climate: winter rain climate

EX06_136 Habranthus martinezii

EX06_137 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX06_138 Hyacinthoides hispanica

EX06_139 Hyacinthoides non-scripta

EX06_140 Hyacinthoides reverchonii

EX06_141 Iris spuria

EX06_142 Ixia contorta

EX06_143 Ixia ramulosa

EX06_144 Ixia thomasiae

EX06_145 Ixia trifolia

EX06_146 Lachenalia algoensis

EX06_147 Lachenalia arbuthnotiae

EX06_148 Lachenalia attenuata

EX06_149 Lachenalia bachmannii

EX06_150 Lachenalia calcicola
EX06_151 Lachenalia carnosa

EX06_152 Lachenalia comptonii

EX06_153 Lachenalia congesta

EX06_154 Lachenalia contaminata

EX06_155 Lachenalia ensifolia

EX06_156 Lachenalia flava

EX06_157 Lachenalia haarlemensis

EX06_158 Lachenalia judithiae
EX06_159 Lachenalia kliprandensis

EX06_160 Lachenalia liliiflora
EX06_161 Lachenalia marginata
ssp neglecta
EX06_162 Lachenalia mathewsii

EX06_163 Lachenalia multifolia

EX06_164 Lachenalia orthopetala

EX06_165 Lachenalia pallida

EX06_166 Lachenalia pygmaea

EX06_167 Lachenalia rosea

EX06_168 Lachenalia schlechteri
EX06_169 Lachenalia splendida

EX06_170 Lachenalia stayneri
EX06_171 Lachenalia summerfieldii

EX06_172 Lachenalia thomasiae

EX06_173 Lachenalia trichophylla

EX06_174 Lachenalia unifolia

EX06_175 Lachenalia ventricosa

EX06_176 Lachenalia whitehillensis

EX06_177 Lachenalia zeyheri

EX06_178 Lapeirousia divaricata

EX06_179 Lapeirousia montana

EX06_180 Leopoldia caucasica
EX06_181 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX06_182 Leopoldia weissii
EX06_183 Massonia hirsuta

EX06_184 Massonia pygmaea

EX06_185 Massonia sempervirens

EX06_186 Moraea bipartita

EX06_187 Moraea britteniae

EX06_188 Moraea collina

EX06_189 Moraea comptonii

EX06_190 Moraea flaccida

EX06_191 Moraea longifolia

EX06_192 Moraea miniata

EX06_193 Moraea pendula

EX06_194 Moraea polystachya

EX06_195 Moraea setifolia

EX06_196 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX06_197 Moraea vegeta

EX06_198 Muscari macrocarpum

EX06_199 Narcissus bulbocodium
ssp obesus
EX06_200 Narcissus dubius

EX06_201 Narcissus flavus
EX06_202 Ornithogalum dictaeum
EX06_203 Ornithogalum montanum

EX06_204 Phalocallis coelestis
EX06_205 Pseudomuscari inconstrictum

EX06_206 Romulea albiflora

EX06_207 Romulea bulbocodium
var crocea
EX06_208 Romulea clusiana

EX06_209 Romulea cruciata
var intermedia
EX06_210 Romulea diversiformis

EX06_211 Romulea engleri

EX06_212 Romulea flava

EX06_213 Romulea gigantea

EX06_214 Romulea leipoldtii

EX06_215 Romulea longipes

EX06_216 Romulea multisulcata

EX06_217 Romulea pratensis

EX06_218 Romulea rosea
var australis
EX06_219 Romulea rosea
var rosea
EX06_220 Romulea tabularis

EX06_221 Romulea tetragona

EX06_222 Romulea tetragona
var flavandra
EX06_223 Scilla peruviana

EX06_224 Sisyrinchium californicum

EX06_225 Sisyrinchium striatum

EX06_226 Sisyrinchium tinctorium
EX06_227 Sparaxis bulbifera

EX06_228 Sparaxis elegans

EX06_229 Sparaxis fragrans

EX06_230 Sparaxis grandiflora
ssp violacea
EX06_231 Sparaxis parviflora

EX06_232 Sparaxis pillansii

EX06_233 Tritonia deusta

EX06_234 Tulbaghia violacea

EX06_235 Tulipa sprengeri

EX06_236 Tulipa tschimganica

Leftovers from EX05, all seed @1$/Package:
EX05_016 Alstroemeria ligtu

EX05_018 Cypella herbertii
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer

EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica

EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum

EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum

EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum

EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica

EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana
'Cynthia' OP
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda
dasystemon OP
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag' OP
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX05_129 Albuca fragrans
EX05_130 Albuca spiralis
EX05_133 Asparagus spec. South Africa, ex John Lavranos
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maiae
EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora

EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata

EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansieae
EX05_147 Hippeastrum X Johnsonii
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio

EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve
EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera

EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis

EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form
EX05_158 Lachenalia Hybr. 'Ronina' open pollinated
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri

EX05_160 Manfreda maculosa
EX05_162 Narcissus bulbocodium
, early form
EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus

EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum

EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi
EX05_332 Massonia pygmaea

EX05_333 Massonia sempervirens

EX05_397 Herbertia lahue

EX05_398 Ixia maculata

EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes
EX05_401 Bulbine mesembryanthoides var mesembryanthoides
EX05_404 Drimia uniflora
EX05_409 Tulbaghia acutiloba
(Hybrid with T. violacea alba?)
EX05_410 Tulbaghia violacea alba (Hybrid with T. acutiloba?)
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_431 Calochortus luteus
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_432 Calochortus pulchellus

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

EX05_440 Acis valentina
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_459 Paeonia broteri
EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_473 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_475 Habranthus tubispathus

EX05_476 Romulea rosea
f. australis
EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes  "Twinkle"

Leftovers from EX04 all seeds @1$/packet:
EX04_002 Drimia uniflora
DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
EX04_006 Zephyranthes grandiflora

EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 6-8

EX04_016 Tigridia pavonia
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous bulb
Climate: USDA Zone 8-9
orange seed parent
EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus
Height: 120-150 cm (3.9-4.9 ft)
Flower Colors: blue
Climate: summer rain climate
EX04_019 Albuca humilis

EX04_020 Allium cyaneum
Flower Colors: blue
, originally received as A. beesianum
EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis

EX04_025 Freesia laxa
, salmon with red dots
EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans
(Syn. Galtonia c.)
EX04_029 Atropa belladonna
EX04_030 Ceratotheca triloba
EX04_031 Dioscorea communis
EX04_032 Ennealophus fimbriatus

EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea
EX04_040 Leonurus cardica
EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia
EX04_045 Tulbaghia violacea
var macmasterii
EX04_068 Albuca pulchra

EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white
EX04_074 Datura wrightii
EX04_075 Lilium White Triumphator
EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: yellow
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis
EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
EX04_090 Lomandra spicata
EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis
EX04_101 Massonia pustulata
(De Hoop) x self

Happy browsing and don't forget: Donations are stil welcome for the second spring distribution!

Uli & Martin
Current Photographs / December photos 2022
December 10, 2022, 03:42:38 PM
no one wants to start the December topic? OK, its really not a good bulb month for southern Germany, but as we usually have a rather wide description: This it the state of my Kniphofia sarmentosa
Height: 60-90 cm (2-3 ft)
Flower Colors: red, orange
Flower Season: mid winter to mid spring
Climate: winter rain climate
in open ground - now with my climate, thats poker with a red-hot poker: Some years they flower in December, sometimes in March. Sometimes the flower gets killed of, sometimes a plant is reduced to regenerating back from root pieces - strange enough, they only suffer from cold when in flower - plants which don't flower that year are fine. So, the cold is soon to arrive according to the models - let's see what's the fate of this one...
General Discussion / Trying a few root crops
December 04, 2022, 04:16:14 AM
As I mentioned i the Coccinia topic before, I was trying out a few root crops this year.

The first one to harvest was Cyperus esculentus
Height: 45-60 cm (1.5-2 ft)
Flower Colors: green
Special: edible storage organ
, which I'd attest a delicious hazelnut-like flavor eaten raw & fresh and good yield even though I only planted one pot, see wiki. Seems to be one to keep, but has the reputation of becoming invasive easily - it doesn't flower in my climate, so I'll just have to be careful about discarded potting soil...

I've also tried Tropaeolum tuberosum
Flower Colors: orange, yellow, red
Flower Season: late summer
Special: climber, edible flowers, edible storage organ
- I like the taste of the fresh tubers, somewhere close to Tropaeolum major leaves, whereas the Tropaeolum tuberosum leaves are nowhere near as intense. Yield was diminishing though, see attached. The plants started growing when planted in may, then went nearly completely dormant for my hot summer, to return to growth in September - I harvested ahead if the first freezing end of November. They never even tried to flower, so I guess that one is not ideal for my hot summer climate.

Oxalis tuberosa
had an acceptable yield, though I've heard it gets bigger the longer the growth phase in short day conditions is. haven't tried to cook it, but raw they are delicious, somewhat like mild rhubarb. Keeper, I'd guess. Has anyone experience with eating the parts overground?

Yacón Smallanthus sonchifolius
- can't say too much about the yield, because those came potted, but it's obvious that those roots didn't originally fit in 11 cm pots. With them, too, I noticed a pause in growth during the very hot phases and a boost in September, I harvested them end of November. For now I only tried a piece of root from the white one, and found it bland tasting - watery with a hint of dahlia petals - not what I expected from something advertised as "underground fruit". They are said to sweeten in storage, so I'll wait for a final verdict, but for now I'm not impressed. No flowers, but that seems normal for my area.

Olluco (Ullucus tuberosus
) was a faillure - a few leaves, somewhat late, and I think one or two "color balls" of yield ( I planted 7 ).

All in all I guess the South American species don't tollerate my heat and are not too happy with my cold. I should search other possible origins for better fitting underground crops. Sidenote to the North American Helianthus tuberosus
Height: 150-300 cm (4.9-9.8 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: mid autumn to late autumn
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous tuber
: yield is massive, hardiness is good, taste is ok when raw and not my thing cooked. I removed them last year due to taking up too much space.
PBS Members Affairs / Gladiolus book in the EU + UK
November 13, 2022, 12:14:44 AM
Dear EU and UK Members,

All ordered copies of "Saunder's Field Guide to Gladioli of South Africa" in the EU should have reached their recipients by now, as the second box arrived days before EX05-distribution. As we offered combined postage for EX-Orders and the book, the last few exemplars were sent off around October 20th with the EX05b distribution.


We have still a handful of copies left in the area which are available for 35$ including p&p as a member service.  Please send the sum to @Arnold's PBS Paypal account

General Discussion / How to coccinia?
October 21, 2022, 12:54:45 AM
Hi all,

In a fit of "try everything remotely geophytic" I helped myself to seeds of Coccinia abyssinica in spring. two actually germinated, and I planted them out into a mortar bucket after last frost with Tigridia pavonia
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous bulb
Climate: USDA Zone 8-9
, mostly because I wanted to add some "vertical interest" to it. Actually, the plants had a big slug problem, one disappeared quickly, the other a few months later (July?) without growing very big. I thought I had lost it, but when I pulled the Tigridias for winter, I found the longer surviving plant has formed a tuber, roughly 4 cm in diameter.

Has anyone any idea how to grow this on or should I just eat it? The plant seems to be an important food crop in the Ethiopian highlands. Researching the climate there I'm at least unsurprised the tuber withstood the well-watered conditions for the tigridias - Nekemte has a yearly precipitation of almost 2000 mm /79 Inches. I guess the heat has forced it underground, but cooling down hasn't restarted it.

 I'm aware that a single survivor of a dioecious species isn't perfect. I think I have a few seeds left, when should I start them?
The October EU 2022 bulb and seed exchange (BX) is now open for orders, as usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Monday October 17th at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced on list and forum. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items.

Please read the entire instructions carefully and please note, the the US Bulb and Seed exchanges have different dates but continue otherwise unchanged.
The donation phase is closed until our spring exchange which will be announced in time.

Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( ). You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this extensive list.
As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST OR THE FORUM WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL or Forum PM TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( ) He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button.

And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address.

Pricing and Payment

Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX04_??? and EX03_??? ) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted.

Payment for the EU BX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. As PayPal has changed the conditions for foreign payments, you MUST go though the Pay-Pal payment form on the PBS website. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form at It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until you have received your order.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions ( )

Here's our List:

From Pavel Andel, all seeds:

EX05_400 Begonia dregei
EX05_401 Bulbine mesembryanthemoides
var mesembryanthemoides
EX05_402 Bulbine wisei
EX05_403 Chlidanthus fragrans

EX05_404 Drimia uniflora
EX05_405 Ornithogalum lithopsoides

EX05_406 Oxalis convexula
EX05_407 Pinellia tripartita

EX05_408 Sprekelia formosissima

EX05_409 Tulbaghia acutiloba
(Hybrid with T. violacea alba?)
EX05_410 Tulbaghia violacea
alba (Hybrid with T. acutiloba?)
EX05_411 Tulipa tarda

EX05_412 Zephyranthes grandiflora

from Gianni Benetti, all seeds

EX05_413 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_414 Iris crocea
EX05_415 Iris forrestii
EX05_416 Iris tectorum

EX05_417 Iris versicolor
EX05_418 Sparaxis grandiflora

from Martin Bohnet, all seeds

EX05_419 Iris domestica
EX05_420 Iris graminea

EX05_421 Iris spuria

EX05_422 Rhodophiala bifida

EX05_423 Veratrum nigrum

EX05_424 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

from Peter Dinges (all bulbs/bulbills)

EX05_425 Albuca longibracteata.
EX05_426 Lilium 'Aelita' 
EX05_427 Lilium 'Papillon'
EX05_428 Lilium lancifolium splendens
EX05_429Lilium sulphureum

via Jan Jeddeloh, all seeds

EX05_430 Calochortus catalinae

EX05_431 Calochortus luteus
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring
Climate: winter rain climate

EX05_432 Calochortus pulchellus

EX05_433 Calochortus uniflorus

EX05_434 Calochortus venustus

from Carlos Jiménez:
EX05_435 Allium cyrilli
EX05_436 Allium longispathum ex Russia
EX05_437 Allium paczoskianum
EX05_438 Allium roseum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
pentaploid, leafy bulbils in inflorescense
EX05_439 Narcissus x perezlareae ex Valencia

EX05_440 Acis valentina
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX05_441 Armeria pungens
EX05_442 Armeria soleirolii
EX05_443 Aster alpinus
EX05_444 Cerastium spec. ex Pic peyregulis 2700m, Andorra
EX05_445 Chamaespartium sagittale
EX05_446 Digitalis lutea ex Andorra
EX05_447 Digitalis minor ex Mallorca
EX05_448 Erodium glandulosum ex Canillo, Andorra
EX05_449 Gentiana acaulis CJB 418
EX05_450 Gentiana acaulis or pyrenaica CJB 421
EX05_451 Gentiana burseri ex sorteny  Valley, Andorra
EX05_452 Gentiana lutea
EX05_453 Geum pyrenaicum ex Andorra
EX05_454 Hypericum balearicum
EX05_455 Jasione laevis
EX05_456 Lysimachia minoricensis
EX05_457 Matthiola incana subsp. melitensis
EX05_458 Melampyrum pratense ex Andorra
EX05_459 Paeonia broteri
EX05_460 Pancratium maritimum

EX05_461 PINGUICULA grandiflora ex Querol lake Andorra
EX05_462 Prenanthes purpurea ex Andorra
EX05_463 Prospero obtusifolia
EX05_464 Pulsatilla alpina ex Andorra
EX05_465 Rabelera holostea ex Andorra
EX05_466 Rhododendrum ferrugineum ex Andorra
EX05_467 Saxifraga moschata ex Andorra
EX05_468 Saxifraga paniculata ex Andorra
EX05_469 Senecio adonidifolia ex Andorra
EX05_470 Senecio pyrenaicus ex Andorra
EX05_471 Thalictrum aquilegifolium ex Andorra
EX05_472 Xiphium latifolium ex Andorra

From Uli Urban
EX05_473 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

Nerine Special:
For this EU BX we have a very special offer as a once only chance. Nick and Lionel de Rothschild have generously donated  a large number of bulbs from the famous Exbury Nerine Collection for the EU BX. On behalf of the membership we express our gratitude.

I (Uli) have visited the greenhouses at Exbury in September and although it was too early to see the flowers it was very impressive. Lionel de Rothschild and Theo Herselman, the gardener in charge showed me round and shared their  enthusiasm for these bulbs.
All bulbs on offer are Nerine sarniensis Hybrids. At Exbury each clone gets a number at a certain stage, it is worthwhile to keep the clonal number for future reference. There are also many bulbs which are a mixture of non-numbered clones. No further information on the clone numbers is available, so you will receive a surprise pack.  At Exbury, there is a continuous breeding and selecting process going on.
Nerine sarniensis is an obligate winter grower and does not tolerate any frost. The bulbs do not like root disturbance, at Exbury they are pot grown and repotted every 3 or 4 years only. The bulbs on offer are not of flowering size.
As they are about to sprout, they need immediate planting on receipt, best after an overnight (but not longer than that) soak in water at room temperature.

In this special case we allow multiple orders of the Nerines - you will receive at least one different numbered clone per item of the following EX code number (and likely a lot more as the whole offered set will be distributed - no leftovers!

EX05_474 Nerine sarniensis

Addendum (I'm really sorry, Angelika!)

From Angelika Neitzert, all seeds:
EX05_475 Habranthus tubispathus

EX05_476 Romulea rosea
f. australis

EX05_477 Zephyranthes minima

EX05_478 Zephyranthes  "Twinkle"

Leftovers from the September distribution, still at full price:

EX05_016 Alstroemeria ligtu
EX05_017 Cyanella hyacinthoides
EX05_018 Cypella herbertii
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
EX05_021 Moraea ochroleuca aurantica Seed
EX05_022 Muscari comosa syn Leopoldia comosa
EX05_023 Scilla peruviana
pale blue Seed
EX05_024 Brodiaea californica
EX05_028 Dichelostemma capitatum
EX05_029 Dichelostemma congestum
EX05_030 Dichelostemma ida-maia
EX05_031 Dichelostemma multiflorum
EX05_033 Allium sativum
EX05_038 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
EX05_051 Paradisea lusitanica
EX05_052 Tulipa carinata 'Holland' OP Seed
EX05_053 Tulipa clusiana
'Cynthia' OP Seed
EX05_054 Tulipa tarda
dasystemon OP Seed
EX05_055 Tulipa tarda
OP Seed
EX05_056 Tulipa tschimganica 'Spanish Flag' OP Seed
EX05_057 Tulipa tschimganica yellow/red OP Seed
EX05_058 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow
EX05_066 Babiana nana
EX05_068 Biarum marmarisense, white ex Wallis Bulb
EX05_074 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate
EX05_082 Ixia paniculata
EX05_083 Lachenalia aloides
, yellow Bulb
EX05_084 Lachenalia 'Aqua Lady' Bulb
EX05_086 Lachenalia matthewsii Bulb
EX05_090 Lachenalia 'Romaud' Bulb
EX05_094 Lilium hybrid, yellow, unflowered, Bulbili, ex Smithers Bulb
EX05_095 Narcissus X perezlerae Bulb
EX05_098 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum
EX05_099 Oxalis bifurcata Bulb
EX05_101 Oxalis flava
flabellifolia Bulb
EX05_104 Oxalis gracilis
EX05_105 Oxalis hirta
bright pink Bulb
EX05_107 Oxalis kasvogdensis Bulb
EX05_108 Oxalis 'Ken Aslett' floriferous form Bulb
EX05_113 Oxalis pardalis
, forms huge sticky clumps Bulb
EX05_114 Oxalis perdicaria
, deep yellow, fragrant Bulb
EX05_117 Oxalis purpurea 'alba' Bulb
EX05_122 Oxalis spec. unnamed pale orange, autum on stem Bulb
EX05_123 Oxalis spec, flava group? Large deep yellow silky flowers Bulb
EX05_128 Albuca albucoides
EX05_129 Albuca fragrans Seed
EX05_130 Albuca spiralis
Silverhill Seed
EX05_131 Arum cyrenaicum
EX05_132 Arum purpureospathum
EX05_133 Asparagus spec. South Africa, ex John Lavranos Seed
EX05_134 Babiana odorata
Silverhill Seed
EX05_135 Dichelostemma ida-maia
EX05_136 Dietes grandiflora
EX05_137 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
var areneosa Seed
EX05_138 Freesia caryophyllaceae, Mc Master Seed
EX05_140 Gladiolus carinatus
Flower Colors: yellow, purple, blue
Climate: winter rain climate
EX05_142 Gladiolus scullyii Seed
EX05_143 Herbertia pulchella
EX05_144 Hesperantha bachmannii
EX05_145 Hesperantha cucullata
EX05_146 Hippeastrum evansiae
EX05_147 Hippeastrum X Johnsonii Seed
EX05_148 Hippeastrum papilio
EX05_150 Iris planifolia
, Algarve Seed
EX05_151 Iris reichenbachii
EX05_152 Iris xiphium
var lusitanica, yellow, open pollinated Seed
EX05_153 Ixia viridiflora
EX05_154 Lachenalia bulbifera
EX05_155 Lachenalia/Polyxena multifolia, Silverhill Seed
EX05_156 Lachenalia namaquensis
EX05_157 Lachenalia quadricolor
McMaster, the best form Seed
EX05_158 Lachenalia 'Ronina' open pollinated Seed
EX05_159 Lachenalia salteri
EX05_160 Manfreda maculosa Seed
EX05_161 Muscari muscarimi
EX05_162 Narcissus bulbocodium
, early form Seed
EX05_163 Narcissus bulbocodium
, large flowers Seed
EX05_164 Narcissus cantabricus
EX05_165 Neomarica blue/beige flowers Seed
EX05_166 Ornithogalum ceresianum
EX05_167 Ornithogalum dubium
, bright orange, Silverhill Seed
EX05_168 Orthosanthus chimboracensis Seed
EX05_169 Ranunculus asiaticus
, red Oron Peri Seed
EX05_170 Romulea clusiana
, Gibraltar form, Oron Peri Seed
EX05_171 Scilla peruviana
, dark blue Seed
EX05_172 Scilla hyacinthina, tall form Seed
EX05_173 Sparaxis elegans
EX05_174 Sparaxis tricolor
, Silverhill Seed
EX05_175 Triteleia peduncularis
, PBS Seed
EX05_176 Triteleia ixioides Seed
EX05_178 Tropaeolum hookerianum
EX05_179 Amaryllis belladonna
EX05_180 Chasmanthe aethiopica
EX05_181 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX05_327 Leopoldia caucasica Seed
EX05_328 Leopoldia cycladica ssp subsessilis Seed
EX05_329 Leopoldia spreitzenhoferi Seed
EX05_332 Massonia pygmaea
EX05_333 Massonia sempervirens
EX05_394 Fessia greilhuberi
EX05_397 Herbertia lahue
EX05_398 Ixia maculata
EX05_399 Lapeirousia divaricata
white and pink stripes Seed

Leftovers from EX04 (Spring22) at 1$ / package

EX04_002 Drimia uniflora
DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
EX04_006 Zephyranthes grandiflora

EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: orange, yellow
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer
Life form:  tuber
Climate: USDA Zone 6-8

EX04_016 Tigridia pavonia
Height: 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned
Special: edible storage organ
Life form: deciduous bulb
Climate: USDA Zone 8-9
orange seed parent
EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus
Height: 120-150 cm (3.9-4.9 ft)
Flower Colors: blue
Climate: summer rain climate
EX04_019 Albuca humilis

EX04_020 Allium cyaneum
Flower Colors: blue
, originally received as A. beesianum
EX04_022 Dietes iridioides

EX04_023 Dipcadi serotinum

EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis

EX04_025 Freesia laxa
, salmon with red dots
EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans
(Syn. Galtonia c.)
EX04_029 Atropa belladonna
EX04_030 Ceratotheca triloba
EX04_031 Dioscorea communis
EX04_032 Ennealophus fimbriatus

EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea
EX04_040 Leonurus cardica
EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia
EX04_045 Tulbaghia violacea
var macmasterii
EX04_068 Albuca pulchra

EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum

EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white
EX04_074 Datura wrightii
EX04_075 Lilium White Triumphator
EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: white
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: yellow
Special: attractive foliage
Life form:  tuber

EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri

EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis
EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa
EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
EX04_090 Lomandra spicata
EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis
EX04_101 Massonia pustulata
(De Hoop) x self
EX04_111 Hippeastrum evansiae

Leftovers from EX03 (Fall 2021) Last time availlable, 1$ each

EX03_001 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX03_002 Allium flavum

EX03_004 Camassia leichtlinii
EX03_007 Hemerocallis hybrid, diploid, 1st/2nd gen from ,,Frans Hals"
EX03_008 Hesperantha cuccullata
EX03_022 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX03_023 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX03_025 Habranthus graciliflora
EX03_026 Habranthus robustus

EX03_030 Romulea rosea
var australis
EX03_046 Allium giganteum
EX03_048 Sisyrinchium montanum
EX03_057 Pelargonium gibbosum
EX03_085 Albuca albucoides

EX03_088 Albuca c.f flaccida
EX03_091 Anemone palmata
Flower Colors: yellow, orange
Life form:  rhizome

EX03_092 Freesia alba

EX03_093 Freesia caryophyllacea

EX03_095 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX03_099 Hesperantha bachmannii

EX03_101 Hyacinthoides flacoultiana
EX03_102 Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo'
EX03_103 Iris xiphium
blue, ex cultivated plants
EX03_104 Iris xiphium
var lusitanica, bright yellow, ex cultivated plants
EX03_108 Lachenalia mediana

EX03_109 Lachenalia mutabilis

EX03_111 Lachenalia pauciflora
EX03_112 Lachenalia quadricolor

EX03_114 Lachenalia ventricusa
EX03_115 Moraea ochroleuca

EX03_116 Moraea polystachya

EX03_117 Moraea sisyrinchium

EX03_118 Narcissus bulbocodium

EX03_120 Ornithogalum dubium

EX03_121 Scilla cilicica

EX03_126 Triteleia ixioides
EX03_288 Iris versicolor
EX03_289 Pancatium maritinum
EX03_290 Cardiocrinum giganteum

EX03_291 Codonopsis pilosula

EX03_295 Lilium sargentieae
EX03_296 Agapanthus cultivar blue & white 45cm decidous
EX03_297 Agapanthus cultivar 45cm decidous
EX03_298 Agapanthus ex Kirstenbosch blue 90 cm decidous
EX03_299 Allium sikkimense
Flower Colors: blue

EX03_300 Arum creticum

EX03_302 Bellevalia paradoxa
EX03_303 Dierama mixed hybrids
EX03_304 Freesia laxa

EX03_305 Freesia laxa
red form
EX03_306 Iris foetedissima
EX03_308 Libertiaspec.
EX03_309 Muscari armenaicum type A
EX03_310 Muscari armenaicum type B
EX03_311 Muscari aucheri

EX03_312 Muscari aucheri
ex ocean magic
EX03_313 Muscari latifolium

EX03_314 Muscari racemosa
EX03_315 Romulea bulbocodium

EX03_317 Watsonia sp red ex Kirstenbosch (evergreen)
EX03_324 Lilum pumilum
EX03_325 Allium oporinanthum (aff).
EX03_327 Ethesia (Syn Ornithogalum) xanthochlora
EX03_330 Narcissus confusus
EX03_331 Pelargonium mollicomum
EX03_332 Pelargonium spec. small leaves, winter grower
EX03_345 Acis autumnalis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white, pink
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX03_347 Drimia maritima
common form

Happy browsing - and remember: Deadline for Orders: Monday October 17th at 24:00h Central European Time.
General Discussion / Summer growing Ferrarias
September 16, 2022, 11:55:05 PM
Ever since I found out about them, I've been very intrigued about the central African summer growing Ferrarias - growing more like something from tribe Tigridieae, though of course without the pleated leaves. Originally treated as one species, Ferraria glutinosa, there are now 4 species accepted. Genetically, they seem basal to all the winter growers, forming subgenus Glutinoseae

from Bothalia 41,1: 1–40 (2011) Systematics and biology of the African genus Ferraria (Iridaceae:

1a Anthers with filament insertion in lower third and lobes parallel and usually contiguous above filament insertion when fully dehisced;
capsules globose- to ovoid-truncate or acute or beaked in one species; perianth with tepal claws usually forming a shallow cup and
bearing prominent nectaries 1/3to 1/2 as long as claw; stigmas minute, terminal on apices of style branch arms (subgen Glutinosae and
sect Ferraria):
   2a Upper internodes below flower clusters with sticky exudate; ovary ovoid, short, < 10 mm long; capsules ovoid to globose and truncate
(subgen Glutinosae):
     3a Leaves several (up to 8) in basal fan; rhipidia with outer spathe 1/3 to 1/4 as long as inner 2 F. candelabrum
     3b Leaves absent at base of flowering stem or 1–4 basal; rhipidia with outer spathe 1/3 to slightly more than 1/2 as long as inner:
         4a Flowers brown or dark purple, sometimes marked with yellow near tepal limb bases; tepal limbs often with buff to yellow margins; flowering plants usually with 1–4 basal foliage leaves, or foliage leaves reduced; filament column 8–11 mm long; flowering (Dec –)Jan –Mar (–May) 1 F. glutinosa
         4b Flowers yellow to buff, limbs sometimes speckled with brown, dark red, purple or dull green spots; tepal limb margins not contrasting in colour; flowering plants lacking foliage leaves at base and branches subtended by sheathing leaves without blades;
filament column 5 0–7 5 mm long; flowering (Sept –)Oct to Dec (–early Jan ):
              5a Tepal limbs speckled with dark colour and margins obviously crisped; style branch arms prominently fringed 4 F. welwitschii
              5b Tepal limbs uniformly yellow and margins plane or slightly undulate; style branch arms entire (not fringed) and arching outward
3 F. spithamea

Usually, my Ferraria welwitschii
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, brown, patterned
Flower Season: early summer
s flower in early summer and wilt until mid to late summer, having a quite short growth period and barely holding their size - they seem also self sterile, so I was halfway accepting to loose them, as my only source was Brexited away from me. This year though, there were no flowers in early summer, and the leaves are still fresh and green - and now there's a flower stalk, with flowers more substantial and noticeably darker than the early ones - compare picture 3 to the other ones. I really wonder what caused the change (suggestions welcome - the summer was hot and dry, something I'd expect to drive plants towards dormancy, not keeping them from it) - and sincerely hope they've gained substance through this. And of course I'm trying to microvwave them now.

Does anyone have any of the 4 summer species or know any source for them? My welwitschii is from Paul Christian /Rare Plants UK.
General Discussion / Gesneriads with bulbils ?
August 28, 2022, 10:16:04 AM
Look what's growing on one of my NoId Achimenes varieties near the base of a flower stalk - that looks a lot like their rhizomes so is it a bulbil-type of thing? is that common in Gensneriads?? (Second pic is a repost of the corresponding flower)
[Posting for Bridget]

Below is a list of bulbs available for BX 482 - open until July 26 at 9:00
p.m. (PST).

Kindly note the following

Please send me an email directly at with a list of the number(s) and name(s) of the bulbs you wish to receive.
I also require your full name and mailing address.
You must be a current member to order. If you are unsure if you are current
with your membership, please reach out to Jane McGary at  Please also assure that you are not in arrears
for previous BX or SX fees.  You can check in with Arnold Trachtenberg at for exchange balances.  I cannot honor those who have
outstanding balances.
Lottery system is in play for this BX.  If requesting several bulbs, please
let me know those you wish to receive in order of desire. If necessary, I
will utilize my discretion to try to see that everyone gets at least some
of their requests. Many of the bulbs offered are singles or very few.
I am not yet affixing labels to the envelopes. You will need to refer to
this post/email to determine what you received.  I will write a number on
the envelope/bag for your reference.
Each bulb sent (or envelope with multiples) will be $3 except the
Colchicum (#1) which will be offered at $5 per offer.
For our new members who have not yet participated in an exchange: I will
reply that I am in receipt of your email.  Upon distribution, you will
receive a box with your allocated bulbs and the receipt with the amount you
owe. That receipt has instructions on payment.  Please attend to payment as
soon as possible so we may mark your account current.
Arnold Trachtenberg
1 Colchicum Mixed (these are most likely C. umbrosum and/or Tenorei.)

Mary Sue Ittner
2 Babiana hybrids
3 Nerine small offsets from Zinkowski rescue  '81-10 × 82-11'
4 Nerine sarniensis
(seed from pink flower)
5 Nerine Zinkowski rescue 'Meditation × Joan Tonkin'
6 Oxalis bifurca

7 Oxalis bowiei

8 Oxalis brasilensis
9 Oxalis engleriana

10 Oxalis hirta

11 Oxalis imbricata

12 Oxalis livida

13 Oxalis luteola
14 Oxalis luteola
15 Oxalis melanosticta
'Ken Aslet'
16 Oxalis pardalis
MV 7632
17 Oxalis perdicaria

18 Oxalis pulchella
var. tomentosa
19 Oxalis purpurea
'Lavender & White'
20 Oxalis purpurea
21 Oxalis obtusa
22 Oxalis obtusa
23 Oxalis obtusa
(coral-I think)
24 Tulipa linifolia
, syn. Tulipa batalinii (yellow) - small bulbs

Bob Hoel
25 Hippaestrum hybrid offsets

Roy Herald
26 Cyclamen rohlfsianum
93-14x The Best, blooming size, 10yr old
27 Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus
red, hybrid with C mackenii?, NARGS
28 Cyrtanthus elatus x montanus BX202 MSI
29 Cyrtanthus labiatus BX239 Shields
30 Cyrtanthus mackenii
white ex WeDu
31 Cyrtanthus sanguineus
Bexadusted (received from SA labeled as such)
32 Cyrtanthus sp hybrid pinkish orange ex Logee's
33 Cyrtanthus sp hybrid soft orange ex Logee's
34 Cyrtanthus speciosus (elata) SRGC
35 Daubenya zeyheri
Jacob's Bay 2011
36 Massonia jasminiflora
Modder River
37 Massonia jasminiflora
pustulate form (amoena)
38 Narcissus albidus occidentalis N028
39 Narcissus assoanus
NARGS 2020
40 Narcissus asturiensis
NARGS 2020 bloomed, nice
41 Narcissus bulbocodium filifolius N008
42 Narcissus bulbocodium
hybrid N057
43 Narcissus bulbocodium obesus N024
44 Narcissus bulbocodium obesus N027A green late spring
45 Narcissus bulbocodium
white N096
46 Narcissus cantabricus foliosus N001
47 Narcissus Joy Bishop N068
48 Narcissus Julia Jane N106 ex JMcG
49 Narcissus romieuxii
ssp. albidus v. tananicus N002
50 Narcissus nevadensis
51 Narcissus nivalis NARGS 2020
52 Narcissus romieuxii
x romieuxii OP NARGS N084
53 Narcissus rupicola
NARGS 2019 bloomed
54 Narcissus rupicola
NARGS 2020
55 Narcissus Stockens Gib N071
56 Narcissus Treble Chance N066
57 Narcissus zaianicus x cantabricus N037
58 Nerine alta (undulata) ex Hornig
59 Nerine angustifolia
R58 E of Lady Gray ex Hornig
60 Nerine filifolia
ex Jones
61 Nerine humilis brachiae BX214
62 Nerinehybrid G36 BX214
63 Nerine krigei
ex Hornig
64 Nerine sarniensis
bright orange
65 Nerine sarniensis
hybrid #2 light pink MM2001 ex Exbury
66 Nerine sarniensis
hybrid ISANDWLANA ex Exbury
67 Nerine sarniensis
hybrid MM2017 ex Exbury
68 Nerine sarniensis
hybrid NOVEMBER CHEER ex Exbury
69 Nerine undulata
Bedford winter bloom ex Hornig
70 Nerine undulata
BX214 ex Silverhill
71 Nerine undulata
Ecca Pass ex McMaster
72 Nerine undulata
? Sp OP
73 Nothoscordum montevidense
v montevidense
74 Oxalis melanosticta
Sutherland ex Hannon NOT 'Ken Aslet'
75 Sprekelia formosissima

76 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus

77 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus x leichtlinii hybrid
78 Tecophilaea leichtlinii
79 Tecophilaea leichtlinii x cyanocrocus hybrid

Robert Parks
80 Albuca fragrans - SX472
81 Albuca osmynella

82 Arum byzantium - ex Illahe
83 Arum concinnatum

84 Arum dioscoridis
v. syriacum
85 Arum hygrophyllum
86 Biarum carduchorum
RP1 (2)
87 Biarum carduchorum
RP1 (2)[probably same as RP1]
88 Biarum tenuifolium
89 Cyrtanthus inaequalis - ex Dylan Hannon
90 Daubenya stylosa
RP2 (2) - ex Dylan Hannon
91 Gladiolus carmineus
Flower Colors: pink
Climate: winter rain climate
- BX478
92 Gladiolus equitans
Flower Colors: red, orange
Climate: winter rain climate
- ex Dylan Hannon
93 Ixia polystycha Baby Blue
94 Ixia viridiflora
RP1 - ex Telos
95 Ixia viridiflora
96 Oxalis bifurca
- BX470
97 Oxalis brasiliensis

98 Oxalis fabaefolia

99 Oxalis glabra
- ex Telos
100 Oxalis hirta
101 Oxalis imbricata
- BX476
102 Oxalis purpurea

103 Oxalis purpurea
(rose pink)
104 Oxalis purpurea
Lavender & White - BX470
105 Oxalis purpurea
Skar - BX467
106 Oxalis simplex - ex Telos
107 Oxalis versicolor
(?) Golden Cape
108 Scilla madeirensis
RP1 (1)
109 Trachyandra ciliata (VERY vigorous)
110 Calostemma purpureum
111 Crossyne flava
112 Crossyne guttata SX471
113 Haemanthus coccineus

114 Haemanthus deformis
(picotee bract)
115 Haemanthus humilis
ssp. hirsutus (various forms) from Dylan Hannon
116 Haemanthus humilis
ssp. humilis OP from M. S. Ittner

Rimmer DeVries
117 Allium amethystinum
Flower Colors: purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
ex PBS BX 252
118 Allium guttatum
Flower Colors: white, purple
ssp dalmaticum (purple) from Odyssey as A. guttatum but
seems to resemble allium sphaerocephalon
119 Allium macrostemon ssp uratense    small headed tall drumstick from
Wieste Mellema in 2013
120 Allium rotundum
Flower Colors: purple
Life form:  bulb
  mix of small bulbs from Kurt Vickery seed from 2013 as
121 Allium rotundum
Flower Colors: purple
Life form:  bulb
from Kurt Vickery seed in 2013 as KV461 Armenia
Meghri- Goris (small form)
122 Allium rotundum
Flower Colors: purple
Life form:  bulb
from Kurt Vickery seed in 2013 as KV471 Nagorno
Karabakh (taller form)
123 Allium subvillosum
  white umbels in Spring
124 Barnardia japonica
from NARGS seed
125 Barnardia japonica
, short (misnamed "numidica" in cult.)  from PBS bx
126 Iris, Juno section Juno iris with white tops and yellow falls dark
lines on yellow lip
127 Lachenalia multifolia
NNBH408 from Nhu Sept 2014
128 Notholirion thomsonianum
monocarpic but makes many offsets, do not
reuse soil


One of the pages of the wiki that always needs a lot of updates and maintenance is the list of bulb and seed sources. I'd like to have this topic as an input form for that site to keep it up to date and well filled. As the wiki page already states:

QuoteWe excluded catalogs that resell bulbs and seeds grown by big mass-market firms (they are very capable of promoting themselves), companies that have recently generated a significant number of unresolved complaints among our members, and companies that are known to dig wild bulbs for sale (the only exception is rescue missions where bulbs are about to be destroyed by development).

So obviously it's not a good idea for everyone with a wiki writing access to blindly add sources without a pre-discussion here.

I have a few ideas to add

Category Bulbs Europe:  good list of otherwise nearly impossible to obtain terrestrial orchids with a focus on Australian genera like Diuris, Thelymitra and Pterostylis from well documented nursery origin. The list is updated once a year in June, with some species shipped in July, others in October. Dr Beyrle is a known mycorrhizza specialist.  The only question is: will we add a source highly specialized on a side-topic?

Category seeds Europe Wild collected seeds from all over the world, including a good selection of monocotyledons. Quality and germination is good in my experience, but I'm a bit worried about the wild origin.

Other entries may require an update - still doesn't ship to EU though they still try to keep the hope up, and is there still remaining activity at Bulb'Argance? Please offer your input.
As I love to cultivate plants people won't expect outdoors in my area, I've started to grow cacti in the open garden in southern Germany. As  so often with our bulbs, drainage is key, and as I relocated the path from gate to front door to a more shady area (can't have the "premium places" along the south wall plastered ;) ) I kept a part of the gravel base intact, so there's now a 60 cm deep well drained bed - deep enough to even tolerate some fill up in the gravel in very rainy winters. It also houses my borderline hardy bulbs like Scilla peruviana
, Prospero autumnale
, Acis species and Moraea ochroleuca
, as well as Anacamptis pyramidalis
Height: 30-60 cm (1-2 ft)
Flower Colors: pink, purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
Life form:  tuber
, Anacamptis x gennarii
Height: 20-30 cm (0.7-1 ft)
Flower Colors: pink, purple, white
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
Life form:  tuber
and Gymnadenia odoratissima
Height: 30-60 cm (1-2 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: early summer

When people think of hardy outdoor cacti, most will start with Opuntia species in mind, but 've actually got better results with globose cacti: The first one to flower is always Echinocereus viridiflora some time in May, depending on the year, followed by E. triglochidatus and E. coccineus. E. reichenbachii is actually a small column and the one I'm sure won't survive permanently, as the mechanical tension on the base is increasing every year. Of course it isn't all Echinocereus: Escobaria vivipara also proved reliable.