Gladiolus abbreviatus

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus abbreviatus Andrews (syn. Homoglossum abbreviatum) is an odd species with grossly unequal dark red to brown tepals. It is pollinated by sunbirds and occurs in the southwestern Cape where it is found in clay and shale banks in renosterveld. Although in the book above it is described as usually having 4 to 6 flowers my plants grown from seed only have a couple and ones seen in the wild also did not have very many flowers. The first photo was taken by Mary Sue Ittner of seed grown plants and the last three in habitat by Cameron McMaster near Napier in the Overberg.

Gladiolus abbreviatus, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus abbreviatus, Cameron McMasterGladiolus abbreviatus, Cameron McMasterGladiolus abbreviatus, Cameron McMaster

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