×Amarine is a description used to designate hybrids between Amaryllis belladonna and Nerine hybrids and species.
The result below is a glorified Nerine with large pink flowers. First photo by Lauw de Jager and the next two by Fred Biasella.
The following photos by Richard Sullivan show a very long flowered variety bred for the cut flower market called ×Amarine tubergenii Belladiva 'Emanuelle’. There are many other forms in the Belladiva series: 'Aphrodite', 'Paris', 'Tomoko', 'Anastasia' etc.. each with distinct flower colors. They start flowering after Amaryllis belladonna and continue until Nerine bowdenii is flowering. Because they are sterile they remain in flower longer than either of their parents and have lovely long stems for cutting.
Amaryllis information and Les Hannibal hybrids 1-25 - Les Hannibal Amaryllis hybrids 26-48 - Nerine hybrids - Nerine species a-g - Nerine species h-m - Nerine species n-z - Nerine index