Tulipa heteropetala

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: yellow
Life form: bulb

Tulipa heteropetala Ledeb. is a tulip native to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan (Chitral), Kazakhstan, and into Russia. Growing from 10 to 11 cm with bulbs that are hairy at the tip, it has pale yellow flowers described as marked violet on the outside. It is in the subgenus Orithyia along with Tulipa heterophylla and Tulipa uniflora. Photos taken by Ettrig in Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård in Gothenburg, Sweden and shared here under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Tulipa heteropetala, Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård, EttrigTulipa heteropetala, Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård, Ettrig

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