Table Additions

You must be a PBS list member and an approved wiki user before you can edit a page, create a new one, or add to a table. There are four directives included in our pbs wiki tables. All must be at the beginning of a line to have any effect.

(:table (attr...):)

This is the first line creating the table. In most cases it will look like this: (:table class=border align=center:)


This starts a new row.


This generates a new cell.


This ends the table.

In a simple table made up of the name of internal pages like the PhotographsAndInformation page in order to add a new cell you simply insert the cell by typing (:cell:)[[//Genus//]] in the correct alphabetical order. You will need to adjust (:cellnr:) so that the number of cells in a row stay the same. Since this can be confusing, you have the option of adding the new cell at the bottom of the page. A wiki administrator will relocate it.

As an alternative to using (:cellnr:) at the start of each table row it is possible to add cwidth=N where N is the table width in columns to the (:table:) directive. Doing this allows all table entries to use (:cell:) and inserting new entries is simple. Most wiki tables now include a cwidth value.


What to type

What it looks like

(:table class=border align=center:)
Acidanthera Alophia Aristea
Babiana Barnardiella Belamcanda
Bobartia Calydorea New?

The example is now repeated using a cwidth value:

What to type

What it looks like

(:table class=border align=center cwidth=3:)
Acidanthera Alophia Aristea
Babiana Barnardiella Belamcanda
Bobartia Calydorea New?

After you do this, save your work and click on the ? in back of the new genus that is now part of the table and create it as described in Adding Pages.

The second kind of table in the PBS wiki is used when one page gets too long and is subdivided. This table links a specific species with the correct location on the correct page. It requires the use of anchors. See Anchors. This is done by adding the link for the page after (:cellnr:) or (:cell:) followed by the anchor, the pipe, and the name of the species you are wanting the link to locate in the page. For the purposes of being able to see what each line will look like on the page I have added included a line separating cells and directives. These tables do not have blank lines on the wiki pages, but will be created as in the first example.

What to type

What it looks like

(:table class=border align=center:)

(:cellnr:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#bridgesii | //Triteleia bridgesii//]]

(:cell:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#clementina | //Triteleia clementina//]]

(:cellnr:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#crocea | //Triteleia crocea//]]

(:cell:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#dudleyi | //Triteleia dudleyi//]]

(:cellnr:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#grandiflora | //Triteleia grandiflora//]]

(:cell:) [[TriteleiaSpeciesOne#guadalupensis | //Triteleia guadalupensis//]]

Triteleia bridgesii
Triteleia clementina
Triteleia crocea
Triteleia dudleyi
Triteleia grandiflora
Triteleia guadalupensis

See related help pages for the PBS wiki:
Adding Pages -Editing Tips - Upload File

For more information from PmWiki see Table Directives

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Page last modified on January 24, 2013, at 06:14 PM
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