Shlomit Heymann gardens on a small balcony in Tel-Aviv, Israel, shown as a panorama of three photos showing how she uses vertical space to grow a variety of bulbs, succulents and other plants in pots.
She especially likes flora of South Africa and had purchased bulbs from a small-scale supplier Yo-ash Greenhouse in the past. Having used the PBS wiki to learn the names of flowers she photographs, she now wants to contribute her own photos, such as this macro shot of Cyanella cygnea to illustrate distinctive floral features of species, as here, the swan shaped stamens.
Her Flickr photostream includes an album of macro shots of flowers blooming in her balcony garden and elsewhere, exclusive of wild flora of Israel and also an album of wild flowers in Israel. Bulbs she has grown and photographed include Geissorhiza radians, Gladiolus carneus, Lapeirousia silenoides, Melasphaerula graminea, Moraea comptonii, Sparaxis elegans, Sparaxis grandiflora ssp. grandiflora, Sparaxis grandiflora subsp. acutiloba, and Sparaxis tricolor.