Satansnek Pass

Satansnek Pass is a pass on the road from Ngcobo (previously Engcobo) to Elliot in the Eastern Cape. The cool moist climate gives rise to mistbelt grassland which is home to a large variety of terrestrial orchids and other geophytes. It is the only place in South Africa where a wild population of Crocosmia masoniorum may be viewed. Cameron McMaster has led a number of Eastern Cape tours where participants have spent a day exploring. Photos taken from some of those tours are pictured on this page. For more information about a genus with a species shown, you can click on the genus page for that species. Photos pictured below showing the habitat were taken on one of these tours by Cameron McMaster, Mary Sue Ittner, and Bob Rutemoeller.

Satansnek Pass, Mary Sue IttnerSatansnek Pass, Bob RutemoellerSatansnek Pass, Cameron McMasterSatansnek Pass, Mary Sue IttnerCrocosmia masoniorum habitat, Cameron McMasterSatansnek Pass, Cameron McMaster

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Agapanthus praecox is an evergreen plant from the southeastern Cape growing in stony slopes and grassland from the southeastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal. Photos below taken by Cameron McMaster and Bob Rutemoeller. Plants were blooming with Crocosmia masoniorum pictured below.

Agapanthus praecox, Crocosmia masoniorum, Cameron McMasterAgapanthus praecox, Crocosmia masoniorum,  Bob RutemoellerAgapanthus praecox, Crocosmia masoniorum, Bob Rutemoeller


Aristea abyssinica is found from the Eastern Cape, South Africa to Tropical Africa where it grows on rocky outcrops, in grassland, and marshy areas. Photos taken January 2010 by Mary Sue Ittner.

Aristea abyssinica, Mary Sue IttnerAristea abyssinica, Mary Sue Ittner


Barberetta aurea Harv. is a tuberous species that grows in colonies, in forests on wet rocky forest floor, up to 1600 m. The first four photos taken by Cameron McMaster and the last photo taken by Mary Sue Ittner.

Barberetta aurea, Satansnek Pass, Cameron McMasterBarberetta aurea, Satansnek Pass, Cameron McMasterBarberetta aurea, Satansnek Pass, Cameron McMasterBarberetta aurea, Satansnek Pass, Cameron McMasterBarberetta aurea, Satansnek Pass, Mary Sue Ittner


Corycium dracomontanum is found in grassland in the Eastern Cape. Photo by Cameron McMaster

Corycium dracomontanum, Cameron McMaster

Corycium nigrescens is a widespread orchid in southern Africa that grows in wet grassland and along vlei margins, often in large colonies. Photos taken by Bob Rutemoeller and Cameron McMaster January 2010.

Corycium nigrescens, Bob RutemoellerCorycium nigrescens, Cameron McMaster


Crocosmia masoniorum can only be viewed in the wild from this spot. It is hanging down from a steep ledge so is challenging to photograph. Photos below taken by Cameron McMaster and Bob Rutemoeller January 2010. It was blooming with Agapanthus praecox pictured above.

Crocosmia masoniorum, Cameron McMasterCrocosmia masoniorum, Bob Rutemoeller


Disa brevicornis is found in grassland from Knysna in the southern Cape to Malawi. Photos by Cameron McMaster.

Disa brevicornis, Cameron McMasterDisa brevicornis, Satansnek, Cameron McMaster

Disa versicolor grows in grassland in tropical and southern Africa from the Eastern Cape to Angola and Zimbabwe. Photos were taken January 2010 by Cameron McMaster and Mary Sue Ittner.

Disa versicolor, Cameron McMasterDisa versicolor, Cameron McMasterDisa versicolor, Mary Sue IttnerDisa versicolor, Mary Sue Ittner


Disperis renibractea Schltr. is found in grassland from 1400 to 2700 meters in the summer rainfall area of Eastern South Africa. Photos taken by Cameron McMaster and Mary Sue Ittner.

Disperis renibractea, Cameron McMasterDisperis renibractea, Cameron McMasterDisperis renibractea, Mary Sue Ittner


Drimia sphaerocephala is found in grassland in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. Photo from Cameron McMaster.

Drimia sphaerocephala, Satan’s Nek, Cameron McMaster


Eucomis comosa is found in grassland and marshes from the southeastern Cape into KwaZulu-Natal. Photos taken in January by Bob Rutemoeller, Cameron McMaster, and Mary Sue Ittner.

Eucomis comosa, Bob RutemoellerEucomis comosa, Cameron McMasterEucomis comosa, Mary Sue Ittner


Eulophia foliosa is found in grassland from the Eastern Cape to the Northern Province of South Africa. Photo by Cameron McMaster

Eulophia foliosa, Cameron McMaster


Kniphofia parviflora is found in grassland and marshy places up to 2000 m from the Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal. Photos taken in January 2010 by Mary Sue Ittner.

Kniphofia parviflora, Mary Sue IttnerKniphofia parviflora, Mary Sue Ittner


Moraea inclinata grows in damp grassland in the Natal Midlands and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu-Natal and in the northeastern Transkei. Photos taken by Cameron McMaster, Mary Sue Ittner, and Bob Rutemoeller January 2010.

Moraea inclinata, Mary Sue IttnerMoraea inclinata, Bob RutemoellerMoraea inclinata, Mary Sue IttnerMoraea inclinata, Cameron McMaster


Neobolusia tysonii grows in moist or marshy grassland from 1200 to 2350 m. Photo taken by Cameron McMaster.

Neobolusia tysonii, Cameron McMaster


Ornithogalum candicans, syn.Galtonia candicans, grows in the Eastern Cape and Lesotho. Photos by Cameron McMaster and Mary Sue Ittner.

Ornithogalum candicans, Cameron McMasterOrnithogalum candicans, Mary Sue Ittner


Oxalis sp. Unknown Oxalis sp. photographed by Mary Sue Ittner.

Oxalis sp., Mary Sue Ittner


Satyrium longicauda grows in grassland, rocky areas and marshes from the Southern Cape of South Africa to tropical Africa. Photos from Bob Rutemoeller and Cameron McMaster.

Satyrium longicauda, Bob RutemoellerSatyrium longicauda, Cameron McMaster

Satyrium neglectum is found in moist grassland from the Eastern Cape of South Africa to Tanzania. Photo taken by Cameron McMaster.

Satyrium neglectum, Cameron McMaster

Satyrium parviflorum is found in moist or dry grassland, among rocks from the southern Cape of South Africa to the Eastern Cape and tropical Africa. Photo from Cameron McMaster.

Satyrium parviflorum, Satans Nek, Cameron McMaster


Schizochilus zeyheri is found in montane grassland from the Eastern Cape to the Northern Province of South Africa. Photos by Cameron McMaster and Bob Rutemoeller taken in January.

Schizochilus zeyheri, Cameron McMasterSchizochilus zeyheri, Cameron McMasterSchizochilus zeyheri, Bob Rutemoeller

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