The parents
Seed parent: Moraea MM 03-07b (MM 99-00 (atropunctata? x neopavonia)) X villosa F) X Pollen parent: Moraea tripetala (pale blue form)
The offspring
MM 11-69a (all three photos). You can probably summarize my whole breeding philosophy as "cross flowers that look really different from each other, and see what happens." In this case it paid off. Here we have a blue-purple flower crossed with a pale orange one that has freckles on the back. I was thinking that maybe I'd get a pale mauve-colored flower, perhaps with a few freckles. Instead, I got a cream-colored flower with speckled blue stripes on it.
I have no idea how the genetics of that works, but it's fascinating to see the sort of diversity you get out of these multispecies crosses. This was my first cross with M. tripetala to bloom. I made more crosses with it afterwards, hoping it's the source of the stripes.
This plant went from seed to bloom in two years.
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