This page shows pictures of geophytes growing in the wild in northern California along the Sonoma Mendocino coast. Rainfall starts in the fall with the most rain coming in December and January with less rain continuing sometimes as late as May. Summers are dry although there are periods of fog in summer which brings some moisture. Temperatures are moderate year round. Habitats are mixed evergreen and redwood forests, bluff scrub, riparian and some limited grasslands, but much of this latter habitat (grasslands) is now gone. Most flowers bloom late spring into summer. Photos by Mary Sue Ittner and Bob Rutemoeller of some of the habitats.
To see more photos of the plants found in this region look at the plants arranged alphabetically on the pages listed below.
Allium to Calypso - Camassia to Dodecatheon - Epipactis to Maianthemum - Marah to Spiranthes - Taraxia to Zigadenus
Information about the specific plant can be found by clicking on the name in the table. That will take you to the wiki page that has information and photos of that species. By holding the shift or control key down and clicking on the thumbnail that image in the table can be enlarged and then if you hold your mouse over the top left or right side of the photo an arrow will appear that will allow you to view the photos in the table in sequence.