I am a retired landscape planner in city government who has been interested in bulbs since childhood. I was honored to receive the Hamilton P. Traub Award in 2001 for initiating the seed exchange for the International Bulb Society and its predecessor, American Plant Life Society. To paraphrase an old saying, "I have never met a plant that I did not like". The family Amaryllidaceae has been of special interest and over the years I have been fortunate enough to own and flower some truly beautiful bulbs. I still enjoy contributing seed to PBS from my bulbs and hope that the recipients will be fortunate enough to see them go from seedlings to blooming specimens. In addition, the genus Lilium has always appealed to me and the wiki contributors are to be commended for providing more pictures of all the species than I have ever seen in previous books and other publications.
Photo of Amaryllis belladonna flowering in Santa Ana, CA