Gladiolus cylindraceus

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: pink
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus cylindraceus G.J.Lewis grows on rocky sandstone slopes and ridges in low fynbos vegetation at elevations above 1500 m in the Ceres District of the Southwest Cape. Growing to 50 cm, it has three distinctive linear leaves with the lower one or two basal and the lowermost reaching to between the base and apex of the spike, sheathing the stem and cross shaped in transverse with wide grooves. The unscented flowers are pale pink to salmon with a diamond shaped red mark sometimes with a white to yellow center on the lower tepals. The tube is slender and elongate, up to 52 mm long. It flowers December to January. Photos from Rod Saunders and Rachel Saunders. The first was taken on the Waboomsberg Mountain and the others in the Witsenberg Mountains where there were flowers in colors from pink to apricot to almost yellow.

Gladiolus cylindraceus, Rachel SaundersGladiolus cylindraceus habitat, Witsenberg, Rod SaundersGladiolus cylindraceus, Witsenberg, R. SaundersGladiolus cylindraceus, Witsenberg, R. SaundersGladiolus cylindraceus, Witsenberg, R. Saunders

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