Gladiolus caeruleus

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: blue
Climate: winter rain climate

Gladiolus caeruleus Goldblatt & J.C.Manning (syn. Gladiolus gracilis var. latifolia G.J.Lewis) is found on limestone outcrops and calcareous sands close to the coast in the Southwest Cape. The flowers are pale blue with dark speckles on the lower tepals. Plant height: 40-60 cm tall. It blooms in winter. Flower photos by Bob Rutemoeller, Mary Sue Ittner and Bob Werra. Corms from Telos Rare Bulbs by M. Gastil-Buhl on a 1 mm grid.

Gladiolus caeruleus, Bob RutemoellerGladiolus caeruleus, Mary Sue IttnerGladiolus caeruleus, Bob WerraGladiolus caeruleus, Bob WerraGladiolus caeruleus corms, M. Gastil-Buhl

The photos below were taken by Nhu Nguyen of plants bought from Telos Rare Bulbs. The last photo shows a blue triad of this species with Moraea aristata and Tecophilaea cyanocrocus.

Gladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu NguyenGladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu NguyenGladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu NguyenGladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu NguyenGladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu NguyenGladiolus caeruleus, Telos Rare Bulbs, Nhu Nguyen

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