Living in California is a blessing for a bulb enthusiast. From bulbs to corms to tubers to rhizomes, I have a great passion for all plants under the category of geophytes. Although my collection is not massive, I thoroughly enjoy growing, propagating, photographing and marveling at the astounding beauty Mother Nature has endowed unto the plant kingdom. Some of my favorite genera are: Albuca, Amorphophallus, Bessera, Bomarea, Boophone, Cyrtanthus, Daubenya, Eucrosia, Ferraria, Geissorhiza, Gethyllis, Ixia, Lachenalia, Lapeirousia, Leucocoryne, Lycoris, Moraea, Nerine, Petronymphe, Phaedranassa, Romulea, Spiloxene, and Tropaeolum. The list would continue for days, if to encompass all plants.
Propagation (both sexual and asexual) of very rare and unusual species is a passion of mine, as I feel increasing their genetic diversity in cultivation is something of importance. I have also seen the critical role botanical gardens and conservatories (as well as private collections) play in species conservation, and feel quite strongly that preservation by dissemination is a great way of keeping rare species alive. That said, I love to share what I have, and appreciate the existence of the BX as means of accomplishing that.
A graduate from the University of California, Davis, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to work with the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory. Some of the pictures I post on the wiki come from the greenhouses here, which house an amazing array and diversity of all forms of plant life.