Anacamptis morio

Quick Characteristics:

Height: 20-45 cm (0.7-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink, purple, white
Flower Season: mid spring to late spring

Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase is the most widespread species of the genus, spanning from Ireland in the northwest, southern Sweden and Lithuania in the northeast, the shores of Tunisia to the south, and to Israel in the southeast. While there are up to 6 subspecies accepted, most of its range is occupied by subspecies morio. Despite the wide range, this species is highly threatened due to its low nitrogen tolerance and the loss of oligotrophic grassland. A. morio usually passes its hardiness to hybrid offspring and is helpful in bringing traits of more spectacular Mediterranean species into northern gardens.

The leaves emerge in late winter sheathing the inflorescence of typically 5-20 flowers. The color forms vary from purple to white with wide variations of both the base color and the lip spots. The common trait in all forms is the greenish nervature of the petals forming the helmet. The images show a plant of the typical color form cultivated by Martin Bohnet. It is still potted, while the sibling which was planted out has fallen victim to slugs.

Anacamptis morio, Martin BohnetAnacamptis morio, Martin Bohnet

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