This page shows an overview of all the species of Alpinia in the wiki. For information on the genus and links to the single species pages see Alpinia.
Alpinia boia is a very architecturally beautiful species. It is native to Fiji. The plant can grow to some 6 meters tall. Photos by Nhu Nguyen at the Waimaea Arboretum, O'ahu Island, Hawai'i.
Alpinia carolinensis is a giant species, one of the largest of all the Zingiberaceae. The pseudostem here measures about 8 m (25') tall. It is native to the Caroline Islands in the western Pacific. The photo by Uluwehi Knecht shows Nhu Nguyen standing underneath the grove for scale.
Alpinia japonica (Thunb.) Miq. is an unusually hardy member of this genus from China, Taiwan, and Japan. It is mostly evergreen in zone 8b and produces spikes of peppermint-striped red and white flowers in the spring. These occasionally produce small grape-shaped seed capsules which take a year to mature and turn bright red the following year when flowers are emerging. Height: to 3 m. Photos by Alani Davis.
Alpinia pumila is an unusually hardy member of this genus from China. Flowers are very similar to those of A. japonica but with shiny silver patterned foliage to 8-10". Creeping rhizomes form nice clumps with time. Photos by Alani Davis.
Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K.Schum. is a species native to the Maluku islands of Indonesia to the southwest Pacific. It is commonly grown in tropical gardens and many varieties of different shades are available. Height range: to 4 m. An interesting property in this species is that young plants can develop from old inflorecences.
Alpinia purpurata 'Pink' was photographed by Nhu Nguyen showing the young plants developing out of an old inflorescence.
Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm. is perhaps the world's most commonly planted Alpinia. It is native to southern Japan, Taiwan, southern China to northern Malaysia. Because of its wide range, some forms can withstand moderate cold. The flowers are a striking red and yellow. Height range: 2.5-3 m. There are many horticultural varieties of this species available. Photo by Nhu Nguyen.