Albuca bracteata

Albuca bracteata (Thunb.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt (syn. Ornithogalum caudatum, O. longibracteatum), is found on shaded slopes and forest margins from the southeastern Cape of South Africa to tropical East Africa. It grows to 1.5 m high and has whitish flowers with broad green keels formed in a dense raceme. Photos of cultivated plants, first two from Janos Agoston remainder from David Pilling.

Albuca bracteata, Janos AgostonAlbuca bracteata, Janos AgostonAlbuca bracteata, David PillingAlbuca bracteata, David PillingAlbuca bracteata, David Pilling

The first two photos of plants below photographed in the wild were taken by Andrew Harvie. The next two taken in the Drakensberg Mountains were taken by Bob Rutemoeller and Mary Sue Ittner.

Albuca bracteata, Andrew HarvieAlbuca bracteata, Andrew HarvieAlbuca bracteata, Drakensberg, Bob RutemoellerAlbuca bracteata, Drakensberg, Mary Sue Ittner

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