This page shows an overview of all the species of Adonis in the wiki. For information on the genus and links to the single species pages see Adonis.
Adonis amurensis Regel & Radde is an Asian species found on open slopes and in scrub. It flowers in early spring and has purple sepals and yellow petals. Photos 1 and 2 by John Lonsdale. Photo 3 by Rimmer de Vries.
Many cultivars have been developed in Japan with incredible colors. The ones pictured below were obtained from Peters Nursery in Germany. Photos by John Lonsdale.
Adonis amurensis 'Chichibubeni'
Adonis amurensis 'Fukujukai'
Adonis amurensis 'Genshu Fukujuso'
Adonis amurensis 'Shiun'
Adonis amurensis 'Titibushinkou'
Adonis brevistyla Franch. in 2023 is under review by World Flora Online (whether it is a synonym of Adonis davidi Franch). It is from Bhutan, China and Tibet where it is found on open slopes. It has small white flowers and blooms early summer. Photos by John Lonsdale.
Adonis vernalis L. is found on rocky limestone slopes in Europe. It has golden yellow flowers. It is the only species of the genus protected by CITES regulations. Photos by John Lonsdale.