From Tony Avent: Someone just wanted to create a story. Anyone who follows corpse lilies knows why so many flowered in 2016...more are being grown now. Since 1995, we've sold over 1000 of these and Louis Ricardello has sold as least that many. The flowerings of Amorphophallus titanum has been increasing dramatically since 2000...see chart below. 2016 - 46 flowers 2015 - 29 flowers 2014 - 31 flowers 2013 - 31 flowers 2012 - 28 flowers 2011 - 32 flowers 2010 - 23 flowers 2009 - 14 flowers 2008 - 32 flowers 2007 - 25 flowers 2006 - 21 flowers 2005 - 18 flowers 2004 - 16 flowers 2003 - 12 flowers 2002 - 11 flowers 2001 - 7 flowers 2000 - 5 flowers Tony Avent Proprietor Juniper Level Botanic Garden and Plant Delights Nursery