
Leo Martin stnalpsoel@gmail.com
Sun, 08 Jan 2017 10:42:51 PST
> Does anyone else grow [Walleria gracilis] or one of the other
> species?

I bought some Walleria gracilis seed from Silverhill in 2000, I believe. It
has only been available once since then from Silverhill, I think. Five of
about ten seeds sprouted that year. In future years there were 0-2 sprouts
in the pot. Sprout location varied from year to year, so I imagined
different tubers were growing or sleeping, as they saw fit. They never grew
well. Maybe they got too cold? I have occasional frost.

One late summer, about 6 years after planting, and after two seasons with
no sprouts, I unpotted them. There were three slightly shriveled, but
alive, tubers. I repotted into a very sandy mix.

I have not seen sprouts since. I still water the pot every winter.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schroedinger's cat, and what all.

Leo Martin
Zone 9?
Phoenix Arizona USA

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