Thanks all for commiserating with me. Fred I too have a house full of plants(some seedlings) but haven't experimented with hybridization yet; my wife is already angry so I may have to wait a bit on that plus I'm still waiting for one of my hippeastrum to bloom. I'm hoping that will happen in Spring. Rick I would have to say that the top of my list would be angustifolium, closely followed by teyucuarense, brasilianum, morelianum, and argentinum to start. The truth is I am fascinated by many of the rare species in this genus and the fact that many are practically unheard of in cultivation sparks my interest even more since I love challenges. Mike thank you for calling to my attention that I suffer from yet another condition, Clivia fever. I don't think I have it as badly as you but I definitely have it. I've been looking for a nice red one for a long time. Jim yes I have both hippeastrum and clivia in my greenhouse too, but was unable to limit myself to just those two and had to go get some Phadranassa and Brunsvigia and Crinum and.... so unfortunately I'm running out of space. I think I'm just crazy. A theory confirmed by my wife :-) Chad in Elverta CA Sent from my iPhone Chad L. Cox, Ph.D. Sent from my iPhone Chad L. Cox, Ph.D.