As Mary Sue said, it has been an unusual year, with temperatures 20+ degrees above normal in early spring, alternating with cool, wet spells, then more record breaking heat. Many blooms were fleeting. In contrast, Dichelostemma ida-maia, currently in bloom, has been coming on for at least a month and probably will last for another month. I love the bizarre flowers. Bletilla striata, Babiana, Nectaroscordum siculum, Daylilies, Allium 'Nancy Ball', Allium garlic chives, Eucrosia (just obtained), are at their peak. My clone of Bletilla striata alba doesn't bloom until later but there is a local clone currently in bloom that I am determined to obtain. I want the pink and white in bloom together. Tall Bearded Iris has just finished up, as have the Dutch Irises and Clivia miniata. Calochortus venustus will be in bloom next week, with some trumpet lilies. Allium spaerocephalum is almost in bloom. The Dogwood blossoms were fleeting this year, unfortunate because it is one of my favorite flowering trees. Clematis, roses and many others are in full bloom. Kathy in Northern California, Sierra foothills, where the temperature, though still a little high, is close to 'normal'. Rain is unlikely for the next six months and the 100+ summer heat is not far off.