In general, but particularly for Pacific Northwest North America and Western Europe - DEADHEAD Snap off the dead flowers of any bulbs you don't want to set seed. The stems of tulips and daffodils photosynthesize and therefore do their bit towards next year, but if you need to maintain a show garden, you can cut off the stems near the base, or even dig up tulips and replant them out back so they can finish their yearly cycle out of view. CATCH the seeds of early flowering bulbs by enclosing the pod in a little bit of nylon stocking. Snowdrops and fall-blooming crocus will be ripe soon. If you tied the snowdrop pods to skewers last month, they will be easily seen. If you didn't, visualize how tall the flower was, and search around the plants at an equivalent distance to find the pod where it fell over. Crocus seedpods are down at ground level, or a bit below if you've mulched. Anemone nemorosa and kin, (and also the non-bulb Hepatica) produce naked seeds on the outside of the receptacle. A piece of nylon stocking will catch these when they fall, and they should be sown soon after falling. If you are not going to be giving the seeds to someone else, you might as well let the seeds drop and germinate around the mother plant, and then move the seedlings later. FERTILIZE Fertilize any bulbs that still have green leaves with something like 6-10-10 as they are storing nutrients for next year. Crocus and other corms must replace the corm each year. SEPARATE crowded clumps of spring bulbs when the leaves have died, and you can still see where they are. Dig them up with a fork and gently pull them apart, then space them out in soil you've amended with compost. You can also store them dry for the summer, something I have no experience of. PLANT Dahlias, callas, crocosmia and cannas can be planted out. Dahlias will flower prodigiously till frost, but other summer bulbs that flower only once, like gladiolus and tigridias can be planted several times for a succession of flowers.