I am developing a list of information about different oxalis species and selections. My information is in an excel spreadsheet file. I will be pleased to send a copy to anyone who has experience growing oxalis. There are many species I don't have personal experience in growing and I welcome comments, suggestions, and help filling in the blanks. This list is not designed to include all known species and is limited to those that are available from private collectors, plant societies, or mail order sources. I have included some weedy species so that they can be identified easily by the person consulting the list. The various categories include: Species Synonym Common Name Planting Time Hardiness Zone Dormancy Habit Height In Inches Flower Size Flower Color Flowering Season Leaf Color Root Type System Propagation Origin Comments The species I have included in the list are: adenophylla articulata bowiei braziliensis carnosa commutata comosa compressa convexula corniculata corniculata rubra corymbosa aureo-reticulata crassipes ‘Rosea’ crassipes alba deppei depressa drummondii enneaphylla 'Alba' enneaphylla 'Rosea' europaea fabaefolia flava floribunda glabra goniorhiza grandis gigantea haworthioides hedysaroides 'Rubra' herrerae hirta incarnata laciniata lactea lasiandra latifolia lobata luteola magellanica 'Nelson' martiana massoniana mollissima montana obtusa oregana ortgiesii palmifrons peduncularis pes-caprae polphylla purpurea purpurea 'Garnet' purpurea 'Grand Duchess' purpurea 'Ken Aslet' quadrangularis regnellii regnellii regnellii atropurpurea regnellii var. triangularis rosea rubra siliquosa Silver and Gold' stenorrhyncha stipularis stricta tenuifolia tetraphylla tetraphylla 'Iron Cross' tomentosa triangularis triangularis 'Birgit' triangularis 'Fanny' ® triangularis 'Mijke' triangularis ssp. papilionacea triangularis ssp. triangularis tuberosa versicolor violacea zeekoevleyensis Claude Sweet San Diego, CA USA zone 9