Dell, Please send the following: From Paul Tyerman (photos of some of these are available on the PBS wiki): 4. Seed of Amaryllis belladonna - hot pink multiflora variety. This is a stunning bright pink multiflora style of belladonna with up to 25 flowers per scape, arranged in a full circle rather than uni-directional like the straight species. Bulbs get to be nearly the size of a football with mutiple stems per bulb. 7. Seed of Haemanthus coccineus - This is a mixture of seed from around 9 different seed parents. They're summer dormant, flowering just prior to the emergence of their single pair of broad flat leaves. Very slow to multiply so seed really is the best option to build up a collection of them. Usually takes around 6 years to flowering but can be a little quicker. From Tom Glavich: Seed of 8. Albuca batteriana - a great large Albuca, flowers from late January through March, clumps. I wouldn't be without this in my garden. White and green flowers. 10. Tritonopsis caffra - spectacular bright red flowers, and great wrinkled seed pods! Bulbs and Bulblets 11. Bellevalia pycnantha 12. Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike' 13. Muscari armeniacum 'Cantab' 14. Muscari armeniacum 'Christmas Pearl' 15. Muscari aucheri 'Blue Magic' 16. Muscari comosum 'Plumosum' 17. Muscari latifolium 18. Muscari neglectum 19. Sparaxis bulbifera 20. Watsonia coccinea 21. Watsonia laccata 22. Watsonia pillansii Claude Sweet 7488 Comet View Court San Diego, CA 92120-2004 > >