Allium zebdanense

Quick Characteristics:

Flower Colors: white

Allium zebdanense Boiss. & Noë is a great species that is unparalleled for the dry shady garden, although it will grow in sun too. From the Middle Eastern region, in Lebanon and Syria, it is perfectly hardy and grows slowly into dense grassy carex-like clumps that are attractive in their own right and flowers in May. Height range: 30-60 cm. Below are 5 different views of the species at various sequenced stages of growth from Mark McDonough. The first three were taken in Marsha Russell's rock garden and the last two in the woodland area of his yard.

Allium zebdanense, Mark McDonoughAllium zebdanense, Mark McDonoughAllium zebdanense, Mark McDonoughAllium zebdanense, Mark McDonoughAllium zebdanense, Mark McDonough

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