BX available to Canadians?

Jane McGary via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 29 May 2022 11:21:18 PDT
Robin Hansen suggested that I could "give the proper wording" in regard 
to moving bulbs from the USA to Canada. I can only make the same 
suggestion that Robin has, which is that bulbs can be sent to a US 
mailbox kept by a Canadian resident, and that boxholder can then import 
the bulbs physically across the border if he or she wishes. If noticed, 
the bulbs would be subject to agricultural inspection, but I do not know 
whether the customs agent would ask for a phytosanitary certificate -- 
which would not be available. That is, taking the bulbs into Canada 
would be the decision and responsibility of the individual, not of PBS.

That is the only "proper wording" I feel comfortable in providing on a 
public platform. As our friends in BC may know, Lynden is a pleasant 
little town with, no doubt, postal facilities.

At least one of our US members who has a retail bulb nursery ships to 
Canada, but his bulbs are grown in an inspected nursery and he has the 
requisite documentation. Perhaps we should add informatoin like this to 
the "Sources" page on the PBS website.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 5/29/2022 10:11 AM, Christine Meyer via pbs wrote:
> I am in Canada too, and would be happy to share some stuff with other
> Canadians, I just need to get better organized!
> Christine in Sechelt
> On Sun., May 29, 2022, 7:22 a.m. Dana Cromie via pbs, <
> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>> Hello Bridget and Canadian members
>> I don't recall ever seeing a post about Canadians participating in the Bulb
>> Exchanges and have assumed that this is not possible.
>> Can someone please confirm whether this is the case, or what the protocols
>> are?
>> Cheers,
>> Dana Cromie
>> Vancouver, BC
>> Website 202 <http://danacromie.ca/>2
>> My Instagram Page <https://www.instagram.com/danacromie/>
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