importing bulbs

Robert Nold via pbs
Tue, 10 May 2022 21:33:37 PDT
>Your information is out of date.  For an individual US resident to import seed they need a Small Lots of Seed Permit.  It’s free but you have to apply.  You’re limited to 50 seeds per taxa imported.  I don’t think anyone counts the seed but the inspectors can sure tell a handful of seed is more than 50.  I don’t know of any way for you to sell Israeli wildflower seeds in the US without getting an import permit and a phytosanitary permit.  

An individual who exports seeds to the U.S. does not need to supply a phytosanitary certificate. No one dealing with seeds needs a phytosanitary certificate. 

Assuming that the individual has a Small Lots of Seed Permit, they are allowed to import 50 packets of seeds of "approved species", none of which packets may contain more than 50 seeds.

Bob Nold
Denver, Colorado

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